Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dream #306 (January 5, 2010)

This was fairly long, but exciting.

In the dream I was a detective. I even wore a trench coat. There was a corporate conspiracy going on on the west side of Chicago and I was on the case. A couple murders had occurred in the area as well which could have been connected to my case that I was to investigate as well.

I checked into a motel in the middle of a big field so that I could investigate the murders that happened there while staying far from the big city where my suspects lived and worked. I could describe the motel in great detail, but that would be pointless. My room was on the third floor (all the doors were accessed by outside walkways and stairs), and it was a cozy place. There were golden flowery decorations on much of the furniture, carpet, and bedspread, and the room had a golden, welcoming glow to it. I laid my coat on the desk chair, kicked off my shoes, sat down on the bed, pulled out a notepad, and went over my notes. I planned the next days trip in my head and went to sleep. It was a strange time to sleep, for when I walked into my room the sun was just setting.

I woke up to my alarm in the middle of the night, got dressed, and walked out the door in not much more than a minute. The air was cold, and it was tough for me to breath in. I trotted down the stairs and across the parking lot and hopped into my car, the only car present.

After a short drive I arrived at a large business village (I call it a village for the business was made up of several large buildings that were all connected underground). There was a bunch of kids there who were on some sort of field trip, and I tried to avoid them. I snuck through the garden that was in the center of the buildings and found my way into a dark, damp building where the records were stored. After breaking through a barricade of two-by-fours and bookshelves I found my way into an abandoned hallway with dozens of abandoned rooms (they resembled classrooms slightly). I was walking by the men's restroom when I was suddenly grabbed and pulled into the restroom (which was almost completely boarded up). It was a young half-hispanic woman who looked frightened. When she saw my face she helped me up and then kissed me right on the mouth. After I realized what was happening, I shoved her away. I remember her breath smelling like a mixture between onions and very strong (and nasty, at least to me) perfume. It definitely not a good experience.

I soon realized I had to go to the bathroom, so I instructed the woman to turn around as I sat down on the toilet and pooped (I know it's disgusting, but that onion breath made me have to go). It smelled awful, and I don't know how that woman just stood there breathing it all in. Maybe she had no sense of smell. When I was finished, I unsuccessfully flushed the toilet, made use of the plunger there, then washed my hands. By the way, there was no stall in the bathroom. It was just a sole toilet and a sink in a very narrow room.

After I had done my business, I followed the woman to a dusty room, and she showed me the accounts I needed.

When I had acquired my desired information, I left the business and returned to the motel. Though in the dream I did not actually see the information I was collecting, I did know that I had enough evidence to put the culprits behind bars for a long time. To make things better for me, I was even able to connect the murders to them as well after snooping around the motel for a while when I returned.

As I packed my things in my room, I was struck hard on the back of the head and knocked unconscious.

I awoke in the middle of another man's room, and I was tied to a bed. Luckily I was in there alone, and I was able to, with a lot of effort, cut myself free with a knife I kept near my ankle in my sock. I ran into the parking lot with the hopes of getting out of there before being murdered, but I was too late. A jeep sped into the parking lot and directly toward me, and I barely was able to dodge it without being killed. Then Alik Hall and Michael Kaser (who were the suspects in the case I had just solved) hopped out of the jeep and opened up the back. When they did so, two alligators (they could have been crocodiles, I suppose) crawled out of the jeep and headed toward me.

The beasts looked like they were ready for a good meal, so I began to sprint away from them as fast as I could. However, to my surprise, one of the alligators began moving so fast that it started running on its two back legs, resembling a human as it did so. It was very bizarre.

Then I awoke. I wonder if I would have survived.

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