Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dream #309 (January 8, 2010)

This was strange.

In the dream I was living with my brother Matt and his wife Brittany in a house much larger than their house in real life. It was two stories and very simple looking, painted mostly in baby blue.

In this dream, strangely enough, I somehow lived through several days of living with them in the dream. I didn't do much; I recorded music occasionally, read some books, and slept. One day Matt and Brittany came home from the hospital with five children. There was a set of three with two boys and one girl, and another set of brothers, all of which were going to be adopted by my brother and sister-in-law. While this was a good thing for the kids, I was a bit disgruntled because I had to give up my room to the kids, and they dominated the house. They were nice kids, but I couldn't get anything done.

I ended up leaving the house, trying to get something done. I ended up walking into a volcano (still active by the way) and discovered a contest going on. I immediately became a contestant. The objective was to throw a disc the furthest into the boiling pit of lava in the center of the volcano stadium. There were hundreds of people there, and M.C. Hammer was the emcee (wordplay).

After a bunch of mediocre guys threw, a very athletic young man who resembled a young Michael Johnson (Olympic sprinter). In fact, he was wearing track and field clothes (complete with short shorts). He was outstanding, and he launched the disc more than twice as far as anyone there. The crowd went berserk.

I was so impressed at his throw that I didn't want to even take my turn. However MC Hammer handed me a disc and told me to take my throw. I did so and, to my surprise, I beat the other guy buy a few inches. I couldn't believe it, and it seemed that nobody else believe in the auditorium believed what they saw either. As I stood there watching my disc melt, MC Hammer walked up to me and patted me on the back.

Then I awoke.

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