Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dream #308 (January 7, 2010)

I'm a day late on this post or so, but at least I did it.

I dreamt that I was in a dark city with Kyle Heffelfinger. It was snowy and cold outside, and we were in a green classic car trying to flee from the cops following us. I didn't want anything to do with breaking the law, but I fell to pressure from Kyle. I'm not sure exactly what we had done, but we broke some important laws, and broke them well.

We managed to outmaneuver the cops and we hid in a supermarket, which was still open. I was feeling extremely guilty while we were walking around looking for a hiding place. We found none, and we ended up in the toy section. I was thinking about how I was going to go to jail for a very long time even though I didn't deserve it. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I decided to justify the jail sentence by stealing some Matchbox cars. It didn't really match the sentence, but I wanted to do something.

Suddenly, as I pocketed my third Matchbox car, two guys from different Law and Order's. One was Vincent D'Onofrio and the other was Jerry Orbach (you can find them on IMDB). I love both those guys (though the latter has passed away), but I could not enjoy their presence at the time, for they hated my guts for the crimes I had committed. They both pointed their guns at Kyle.

Then I awoke.

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