Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dream #317 (January 19, 2010)

This is absolutely nuts.

The dream was like a movie. In fact it was a movie, for I started out the dream by looking at the back of a DVD cover.

Then I entered the movie (though during the thing I thought it was all real).

I was in Kevin Chupp's dorm room at Bethel (which is similar to an apartment). I was there playing with Stella (2-year-old), and we had built a crazy fort out of blankets, then had run Hotwheels tracks all around it. It was pretty awesome. David and Carrie Badertscher (parents of the child) was there watching us play. Eventually they had to leave, so I was alone with my brother and mother (who, in the dream, were nothing like my real brother and mother; I was adopted in the dream as well).

Suddenly there was a pounding on the door and some cops came in and tore the place apart.

I walked outside. It was then that I noticed how different I looked. I had black hair, I was taller than I am, and I looked more like Clive Owen. I walked around the generic-looking city and saw an ambulance pull up. Out of the ambulance hopped a firefighter, who grabbed the town mayor, pulled him into the ambulance, and, from what the newspapers said the next day (which is where I jumped to after seeing this), cut the mayor to shreds with an ax.

Then I witnessed a couple of other people being picked up by the suspicious ambulance and hearing about their demises.

Finally, I jumped to the future and (this is really strange) walked around the neighborhood, looked at all the hacked up bodies. My memories of these bodies are extremely vivid, but I won't go into too much detail. One that really stuck in my mind was the front half of a woman's torso (who was wearing a shirt with a classic car on it) was laid out in a lawn chair, and it was smoking. I also remember Tobey Maguire's carcass sitting on a porch with a camera around his neck. It was gross.

I was the last living person in the city, and I wandered about the empty streets for what felt like hours.

Finally, the ambulance came and picked me up. I looked at the fireman who had murdered all these people so violently, and he took off his mask, revealing the face of the mayor, the one I thought had been the first victim. He said something about regretting the violence he had to commit.

Then I jumped back to where I was looking at the DVD. I saw the fireman's unmasked face on the back of the DVD case, and I remember saying, "Wow, this picture gives away the whole ending."

Then I awoke.

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