Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dream #245 (September 1, 2010)

This was a little lonely.

I spent the majority of this dream walking down State Road 23 (the road on which my house is located) in the middle of the night alone (it was all downhill as well). After what felt like an hour of this, I passed by a broken-down brown wooden house. I looked inside and saw Morgan, Mike (my brother), and Michael Kaser playing a game together (just like in the previous dream). I decided not to go in.

After continuing down the road a short while, I came across a mansion that I did not recognize (I now don't recognize any of the homes I passed by in my dream). It was old and scary, but something about it drew me into it (maybe I wanted to enter because it was old and scary).

When I walked in, I discovered a large party going on. Apparently there was a theater inside that was debuting a play written by Ms. Paul (who was my English teacher in high school and has since been married). I began looking around the crowd for people I knew, which made me realize that I didn't really know anybody, until Adam Konkey (former classmate of mine) approached me to say hello. He was wearing a clown suite, which I didn't understand at the time and still don't understand. He asked me how school was going for me.

Then I awoke.

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