Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dream #266 (September 22, 2010)

This was pretty crazy and in many parts.

The first part of my dream took place at a giant church on the base of a jungle mountain. A wedding has just finished, and I was walking with some of my friends (all of which don't exist) in the parking lot. There I ran into my former editing professor (David Garcia). It was then I realized that I was watching a movie, but not really watching a movie (it was strange, for I knew something wasn't quite real, but I didn't know I was dreaming). Mr. Garcia, for one reason or another, was not acting like himself. In fact, he was acting as if he were mentally handicapped. Furthermore, he made the impression on us that he was related to some famous people.

As my friends laughed at him, I realized that he was trying to be a more lovable character than he really was. At one point he mentioned that Patrick Swayze was his cousin (in my dream, Patrick was still alive). He talked about him as if he had known him forever, but I could see past his lies.

Then I switched over to a different scene, which was only mentally connected with the other dream. I was standing atop an escalator, looking at the rotating glass door at the bottom. Then tons of the same person walked in and began ascending the escalator. Now, all these people were various versions of one man. Some were short, some were tall, some were skinny, and some were fat, but they all had the same face.

After a couple minutes of witnessing this phenomenon, I ran out the glass rotating door, then came back in. When I did so, the entire interior of the building had changed, and I was in the middle of a casino. I then began putting on a sort of show, throwing playing cards (that were stored in my pockets) all over the building. I once threw a whole deck of cards at a pool table, and the cards divided and landed in all six of the holes.

Then I entered a different dream. I was in a dark basement with Amber Kreider, David and Carrie Badertscher, Lucy, and Stella (their very young children). I thought that I was playing with Stella (I was chasing her around the room), but I soon realized the baby I was playing with the wrong baby because Lucy was crying when I tried to play with her instead of laughing.

Then I entered another dream. In this dream, I was in the top story of an academic center at a college. The lighting was dim and reddish. I was playing a game where people had to look at a painting on the wall and pick out which objects were not originally there (it was actually very difficult). Jessica Smith was currently taking her turn. In the scenic painting, she chose a rainbow as a false object, but she guessed wrongly, for the rainbow was originally there.

Then I awoke. I apologize if this post was not as together as usual.

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