Friday, September 3, 2010

Dream #247 (September 3, 2010)

This was fairly interesting, but not exciting.

In the beginning of the dream I was playing ultimate frisbee with a bunch of liberal, long-haired guys in their twenties. We were a group of nomads who wandered about the U.S. in a VW microbus.

When the frisbee game had ended, we decided to try and find a place to stay for the night. We chose to try out the very first place we saw, a large white house with a black gate around the yard. The owner of the house was a man in his forties with black hair and an old-school look about him. His wife, a large red-headed woman with a kind smile lived there with him. They informed us that they could use some company, for all their children had grown up and left them.

It happened that every single person got his own bedroom. The one I stayed in must have been a girls (I'm not sexist, just observant). There were innumerable fluffy white bears on what seemed like too many shelves for a single room. The sheets were pink, and there was a blonde doll that was sitting on the pillow, waiting for somebody to enter the room that seemed to have been frozen for years (yet there was no dust on anything). Because of all the comforting objects in the room, I quickly fell asleep.

When I awoke (which seemed to be only a moment later), I found that all of my companions had left me there to live with the older couple. It was strange, for the couple seemed to know about this, and they didn't care. In fact, the man had scrambled me some eggs. He told me that he wanted me to visit the nursing home to see his mother with him later in the afternoon. I had no choice but to accept his invitation.

When the man and wife had left for work, I took a shower. Because I was alone, I felt free to sing as loud as I wanted. When I walked out of the bathroom (fully clothed, and very clean) I was surprised by the presence of Michael and Katelyn Presnell. I immediately felt that I should be a good host and show them about the house (this is, remember, only my first morning in the place). The first thing I showed them was the DVD collection (I was curious to see what kind of movies the people I was going to live with owned). I was depressed when I began showing Katelyn and Michael the numerous Hallmark films and romantic comedies neatly organized by the color of the DVD case. For some reason I acted as if I loved the movies I was displaying and, because of that, Katelyn was disgusted with me as Michael tried to hold in his snickering.

They told me they no longer wanted to tour the house and they left.

Then I awoke.

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