Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dream #269 (September 29, 2010)

Another dream, somehow.

I dreamt that I was spending the night in a gymnasium with a bunch of guys. I don't recall knowing most of them, but there was one individual I did know, and that was Justin Egger (an old classmate of mine). In the middle of the night, as I was tossing around in my sleeping bag trying to fall asleep (which took up a large portion of the dream), Justin got up and began to magically write prophesies all over the walls of the gym. The prophecies had to do with the deaths of people in the gym and with primarily negative major events. It was weird.

I watched Justin do this for quite some time until, with the warning of a shiver in my spine, two ghosts entered the gym and flew him through the roof. When this happened, everyone else in the gym woke up and began examining the walls. Apparently I was the only one who had witnessed the event. Even so, people believed every word I told them.

After I explained what had happened, everyone gathered their sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets and piled them on the baseline of the basketball court.

Then I awoke. That was a pretty strange dream.

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