Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dream #246 (September 2, 2010)

These two dreams I had last night were very intense.

The first dream was especially strange because I dreamt that I was reliving a moment that had already taken place (not in real life, but in my dream). I was conscious of this idea the whole time.

The dream took place on a large passenger transport ship in outer space. I was with my father and mother; in the dream they were a legendary spaceship piloting team. They were transporting an entire city in the ship, and were the tail ship in a whole fleet of transporters, for an entire planet was being evacuated and relocated to another nearby livable planet. When the dream took place, though, there was only black space, with no planets to be seen.

Unfortunately, I was conscious of the fact that this particular mission was going to result in the destruction of my parents' ship, which would result in their death, along with the death of all the passengers. Because I knew this bit of information, I frantically scurried about the ship, trying to find the source of the defect that would kill so many people. I thought I could change the predetermined future.

However, after several minutes of this scurrying, I heard a loud explosion. I could then mentally see an exterior view of the ship (I wish I could draw you a picture, for my memory of the craft is very intact). The left rear engine/wing had failed and had caught on fire, causing the ship to head in the wrong direction. Without controlling the ship, we would be lost in space for the rest of our lives.

I ran through the ship, trying to calm people down, but what was I to do? Everyone knew that we were going to die of starvation or of a lack of oxygen. The ship then began to dive down, and the other ships in front of us were out of sight. All hope was lost at that moment.

A strange and eerie calm came over all the passengers, almost simultaneously. They had accepted their fate. Moments later, I heard a nasty scraping sound. I used my mental imagery of the exterior of the ship and saw that we had scrapped against a very small space station, manned by only a single old hermit. Fortunately, he was at the top of his game, for he managed, using a claw-machine-like apparatus, to bring the ship to a stop. I then put on a special suite and exited the ship. Interestingly, the man who had saved us did not need any sort of oxygen or space suite, for he developed a rough skin and gills that allowed him to survive in plain clothes. After talking with the man about our troubles, he immediately grabbed a toolbox and floated up to the destroyed engine of the ship.

Within minutes, the ship was repaired and we were able to get back onto our coarse. We even caught up with the rest of the fleet, beating destiny.

At that victorious moment, I entered into a different dream.

This dream took place in an enormous basin (the land form kind of basin, not the dish) in the middle of a city in pitch black darkness. The city was on the brink of a civil war battle between the north side of the town and the south side. I was on the north side, along with hundreds of others (including David Badertscher, who was the only other person I knew in the dream). The south side had about the same number of people. We were meeting in a wooden pavilion as the south met inside an old stone tower (their base was much cooler). I remember being extremely nervous, because I did not want such bloodshed to take place between neighbors. I was only a lowly citizen, but I broke into the meeting of the political/military leaders of the north side and tried to persuade them to call a truce, but they would not hear me out.

After a little more debate, the battle began. Because of my low status, I was sent out with the first group of 'soldiers,' as was David. We snuck around to the backside of the castle without being detected. I was glad to be near David, for he had the reputation of being an extraordinary fighter; people even referred to him as The Beast. When we reached the back of the castle (the stone tower had taken on the shape of a castle), the fighting began. David leaped off the stone wall into the darkness. I heard a couple screams and gunshots, but did not see the results. The others standing around me began to fire their guns into the dark (apparently they had seen some movement).

I must say this, even though it takes away from the intensity of the story. Every time people fired guns in this dream, they made the gun noises with their mouths. So, though the guns fired real bullets, they made no real noise. I guess we had to compensate for the lack of gun sounds by using our lips.

Anyway, I had made it to the back entrance of the castle without firing a single shot (though the others in my company did have to kill about seven southerners). I did not want to kill anybody. Out of nowhere, several shots were fired killing everyone with me (except David, who was nowhere to be seen). Escaping death, I entered the back of the castle. To my dismay, the stairway I was on was lined with enemy soldiers. I began to fire rapidly (still making noises with my mouth). I was somehow able to kill about twenty guards on my way up the tower. However, when I made it to the top, which had a lookout onto the battle field, I found about forty men waiting for me. With no other options, I leapt from the tower (which was about fifty feet in the air) and landed in some bushes. I had lost my gun in the process. Two enemies had their guns aimed at me as I emerged from the bushes. I knew I was going to die.

However, right as I gave up hope, David leapt from behind a tree and stabbed one soldier in the neck, then proceeded to throw his knife into the face of the other guard. He saved my life (by brutally taking two others), and I was very grateful.

Just then, I found myself back at the beginning of the battle, just before the war broke out. I didn't understand why I had gone back in time, and I was a little disappointed because David and I had survived the battle so far. I didn't want to start all over again.

I didn't ask any questions, though. As I was again debating with the leaders about stopping the war before many people died, I was hit in the head with a large rock.

This hit sent me into a dream (though I didn't know it was a dream right away). I was on a bus, sitting next to a blonde female from the south, discussing the war. She talked to me about how she had hoped, before the fighting began, that she would one day take over her father's restaurant, but because of the war it had been burnt down. We actually passed the former restaurant as she explained this to me. Suddenly stones began to hit the windows of the bus. Then a bunch of gothic young adults rushed the vehicle (which only had the driver, the blonde, and me) and attempted to tip it over. They mentioned wanting to kill me for being with the southerner (I was, of coarse, a northerner), and they wanted to kill the poor young woman for her disloyalty.

It was then that I realized I was dreaming. I was able to force myself to wake up.

When I did so, I found myself sitting in a folding chair, along with many others from the northern army. We were sitting across from a bunch of empty folding chairs, with only three people remaining there. I asked my captain what was going on, and he said that instead of having a bloody battle, they would have a "name battle." This meant that each side would take turns guessing a person's name from the other team. If they guessed correctly, that person had to go home. The team who lost all its people first would lose the war and have to submit to the other side. Apparently the north was winning, for we had about forty people left to the south's three.

Right after the rules were explained to me, one member of the south was forced to leave, for his name was guessed. There were only two left. One of them was a hispanic man in his twenties, and the other was the young blonde woman from my dream. How was she a real person? I didn't understand. To throw me into an even deeper confusion, the woman looked straight into my eyes and winked at me. What was going on?

Before I knew it, somebody had guessed her name (though I didn't hear what it was), and she was forced to go home. Then, immediately after that, somebody guessed the hispanic man's name. As he was leaving, I asked him what his name was because I was unable to hear it as it was said. He told me, "Alex."

Then I awoke.

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