Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dream #260 (September 16, 2010)

A three-part dream.

I began the first dream standing in a line waiting to get into a small, light purple room. Every single person waiting in line was wearing a long, white lab coat (including me), and nobody was talking, or even expressing any sort of emotion at all. This line of white coats was endless, as far as I could determine.

When it was finally my turn to enter the room, I was greeted by a scientist in his late 30s. As I was shaking his hand, I was stung by a large, fury bee behind my right ear, causing only a small amount of pain. The scientist explained to me that I could choose from any number of things that I wanted to use for my experiments. For some reason, I told the man that I wanted bee seeds, which he then handed me with a look of concern on his face.

"Are you sure you want these, sir?"

I told him that I was sure, so he shrugged his shoulders and let me have my way.

I then proceeded to sit down at a big, heavy-weight table, setting my bee seeds on top of it. I then pulled out a vile filled with a transparent solution from under the table. I spread my seeds out and began to water them with the solution.

Moments later, one of the seeds turned into a bee that looked just like the one that had previously stung me. I instantly became filled with fear. Why had I chosen this particular experiment. I then realized that the bee-sting was affecting my thinking. I rushed back over to the scientist and explained my problem.

He immediately became very concerned with my health. Pulling me aside from the line of white coats, he explained to me that I needed quick medical attention. He went behind his counter of experiments and pulled out a large bottle of medicine that was different than any I had ever taken. It resembled chalk dust and was light pink. The scientist then instructed me to open my mouth, which I did, and he threw two handfuls of the stuff into my mouth, telling me to swallow it.

As he was putting the nasty medicine in my mouth, my vision began to fade to white. Furthermore, I was growing light-headed and dizzy. Right when I tried to swallow the medicine, my ability to swallow shut down, causing the pink dust to enter into my air-pipe. I could no longer breath. I grasped the scientists lab coat and squirmed around on the ground, trying desperately to loosen my throat, but to no avail.

I suddenly awoke, gasping for air. That was intense.

I soon fell back asleep and entered into a different dream. I was in a dimly lit, carpeted gymnasium that was rather empty, except for a few small 'presentations' (as I will call them). These presentations were displays of people's life work and achievements. There were only about ten displays in the whole place, and there were no people looking at any of them. I, too had a display, but it didn't even compare with some of the neat things other people had representing themselves, for all I had to show for myself was my homemade drum set. I sat at my drums and played them, for no reason other than my own enjoyment.

As I played I began to look at the other displays around me. One I noticed in particular was one that contained pictures of the Amazon Jungle. I then realized that it was representing Sabrina Hallock (a counselor at Prairie Camp), who was actually there. I waved to her, and she waved back, looking as depressed as I was. However, I did not understand this depression, for she had a very cool display. All I had was a homemade drum set.

Thankfully I awoke from this dream not long after that.

The last dream I experienced last night was much more enjoyable the the previous two (thank goodness). I was at a very old waterside town. All the buildings were made of wood, and the sky was very cloudy in this dream. After strolling down the brick street for a few blocks, I entered a large building, which had a sort of festival taking place inside. There were streamers, colorful paintings, dancers, and all kinds of people in this mall-sized building, and it was fun to be a part of. Soon after I entered the place, I ran into Wilco (the band).

They greeted me as if they had heard of me before, which they must have because they next asked me if I would be an instrumentalist/videographer for the band. I was overjoyed and immediately accepted their request. They told me to meet with them later and enjoy the festival. I began to run about the building, looking for somebody I knew so that I could share the great news with that person.

It was not long until I found Carrie Badertscher (Prairie Camp director). She was leading a group of inner city teenagers around the festival. They all seemed to be having a great time. When I told carrie the news, she immediately took me into a small shop in the big building (it really was like a mall) and bought me a very nice video camera with a beautiful lens. She told me that she had a 50% off discount, but I think she was just being extremely generous.

I was so excited with my new camera that I began taking footage for Wilco right away. I waved goodbye to Carrie and began finding places where I could get some quality shots. I soon found the ultimate place: a ship that was sitting in the water not too far from shore.

I somehow flung myself all the way out to this boat using a catapult system that was in place on the shore. When I landed, I climbed all the way up to the crow's nest and, after attaching my extra long lens, I began getting some shots of the band. What I saw was great. Wilco's drummer and guitarist (Glenn and Nels) were with Carrie and the inner-city teenagers, and they were buying them some nice Nike basketball shoes. The teens looked very grateful and excited, and Carrie had a huge smile on her face.

Just then, an intense storm blew in. I decided to stay where I was so that I would not lose the camera to the sea. The rain was not heavy, but the wind was treacherous. Huge waves started to ram into the side of the ship. Suddenly, a very large wave, over 40 feet in height, came at me. I was scared and thrilled at the same time (I enjoyed the intensity of this dream). As the wave came, I jumped, and managed to only get the very bottoms of my running shoes wet. I was so excited by the event that I began to shout with joy. I also began recording the event with my camera. Then the boat began to rock, so much that I began to tap the water on both sides of the ship (the ship almost hit a 90 degree angle on both sides). I loved the whole thing.

As I was rocking in the ship, I saw Wilco on the shore line, but they did not see me. I then began to shout "Wilco" over and over, trying to get their attention, but I was unsuccessful. I don't know why I didn't shout out their names. I just thought it was funnier that I was calling to all of them at once with one word. As I was looking into the lens, my back finally hit the water, only getting part of my shirt wet. I grinned at the experience, not minding getting wet at all.

Then I awoke.

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