Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dream #259 (September 15, 2010)

This was a little wild.

I began the dream at Koontz Lake Missionary Church in the middle of the night. I was coming home from a late-night funeral, driving in some deep snow, with my brother Matt in the passenger seat. Just about 100 feet from the church, we started getting into an argument about money (we don't typically argue much at all). Apparently Matt was under the impression that I owed him $74, which was absolute ludicrous. If anything, Matt probably owed me money. To be even more obnoxious, he pulled out an old receipt out from under his car seat that was from some pizza place (which I actually paid for, according to my dream memory). He became so angry at each other that I told him to get out of the car and walk home in the snow, which he then proceeded to do.

I must interject and say that I have had a great relationship with my brother for quite some time, and this dream argument is not a representation of what I think about Matt.

I continued to drive a bit further. As I was almost to the extremely curvy part of State Road 23 near my house, I saw Katelyn Presnell walking alone in the snow. I had compassion on her (I, in the dream, actually thought about how much her mother took care of my chap lips in the past, which made me feel obliged to help her). I asked her if she wanted a ride, and she said, "Sure." Now, this part is very strange and is, again, not a reflection of what I think of Katelyn. Of all the places Katelyn could have sat, she chose the dashboard. I did not want to insult her intelligence, so I said nothing about her choice. Because of my passiveness, I had to drive the rest of the way home (about 1/2 mile) with a constant block of vision and constant unwanted steering wheel movement (due to Katelyn brushing against). There were several times where I almost ran off the road. We even almost tipped over a couple times).

As I was almost to my house, I received a call from Oregon-Davis Schools that I was to substitute teach the next day. So, I decided to the school so I wouldn't have to start the car again (which didn't make any sense), which forced Katelyn to come along with me. When I arrived at the school, the sun had already risen and school was about to start. I parked the car and told Katelyn that I would only be gone for about 7 hours, and that she could wait for me in the car (which was very unthoughtful of me).

The school day flew by so fast in my dream that I did not even recognize that it occurred. Before I knew it, I was being asked to be a substitute bus driver (which I am not, in real life, authorized to do). When Katelyn found out that she had waited all that time only for me to take a bus home, she decided to drive my car back to her house, with no intention of ever giving it back to me.

This fazed me very little because I was so nervous about driving a bus-full of kids that I could handle thinking about anything else. When I pulled out of the school parking lot, I knew that driving the bus was a huge mistake. I had, I believe, 7 near head-on collisions, numerous instances of driving a whole wheel off the road, and many other close calls. One particular time I received a call from Michael Presnell (Katelyn's brother), who was asking if I wanted to play basketball with him. I was distracted by the call that I never should have answered while driving, which lead me (or drove me) to almost rear end the red van driving in front of me. I was so flustered that I threw my cell phone out the window.

When I finally dropped all of the kids off, I drove the bus to my house and vowed never to drive any bus ever again. My house in the dream was much different than any house I've ever lived in. It actually resembled a house of a relative in Pennsylvania that I once visited. My father and brother were both there. My father was making spaghetti and my brother was watching the television, which was mounted up in the upper corner of the living room (which had no furniture) in a fashion similar to the old televisions at Oregon-Davis High School. Mike was watching an old, gory Peter Jackson movie, and when he saw that I had arrived, he rewound it (it was, in fact, an old VHS tape), and began to play it again for my benefit.

Soon after that my father walked out with a couple of cans of spaghetti, ready for us to eat as we stood and watched the movie.

Then I awoke.

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