Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dream #265 (September 21, 2010)

Back on track.

Last night I was forced to go back to school (in my dream). The authorities at Regent University (from which I graduated) had discovered that I never officially graduated from high school, so, in order for me to prevent my diploma from being void, I had to complete nine more credit hours at Oregon-Davis High School. (I know this sounds like a crappy old Disney movie, but it's all my brain could come up with).

I immediately jumped ahead of time into my English class. I looked at the papers in front of me and realized that they were unfinished worksheets that were due that day. I initially felt sick to my stomach, but I realized that I could probably get away with finishing them in band class, because I never did anything in band class. I sat through the English lecture about gerunds or something (I paid little attention) then went to Calculus. This class, like English, was boring (for I had already taken it and aced it). And, like in English, I had forgotten to do the homework. Something odd about this class was that some of my old high school friends (Alik Hall and Adam Pflugshaupt) were still going to school there. Then Band class came and went. I only remember walking around the percussion instruments, waiting for class to be over as everyone else sat around playing Eukre.

The next thing I knew, the day was over. I actually woke up in my room (except I woke up in the top bunk of a bunk bed) and realized that I was late for school. As I rushed about the house trying to get ready (I noticed that the Christmas decorations had been put up that morning, which seemed a bit early, for it was September in my dream as well), I thought to myself, "Why am I taking all the classes where I get a lot of homework?" I only needed nine credits, so I could get away with taking just band and two art classes and not have to worry about any homework at all.

This seemed like such a genius plan that I went back to sleep, knowing that I didn't have to show up at school until the second half of the day.

Then I awoke.

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