Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dream #268 (September 28, 2010)

This was actually kind of fun, though it was school.

I dreamt that I went to a new film school with Kevin Chupp and Chuck Zook. It was not a graduate school, and I was going there just to get the few credits I needed to get my diploma (which, in real life, I already have). It was really late in the night, and I was in the dorm room with Chuck and Kevin. I was wanting to go to sleep just in case I had morning classes (the schedule was not yet released, and I had classes the next day), but I kept thinking of thing I needed done (I had homework even though I did not have any classes yet). I specifically remember a purple notebook that had my transcripts in it, for it was the only thing with saturated color in my dream.

It was five in the morning, and I still hadn't fallen asleep. I then opened up my email and saw that my schedule was emailed to me. I printed it out and looked at it. I was blown away when I read the my English class had already passed, for it was scheduled for 3:00 a.m. I didn't care much, for I knew I was going to drop that class (I already had all of my English credits) I then woke Kevin up and, together, we grabbed our backpacks and headed to a film class.

This class was strange right off the bat, for it met at a small house in a little town outside of the city (we were in Chicago, I believe). When we arrived, we discovered that we were the only ones who showed up and that a middle-aged couple taught the class together. The husband teacher was going over the syllabus with Kevin and me, and I was learning that he was a bit crazy. He would grade things that had nothing to do with the class. In fact, he gave me an 'A' for the day because I brought a telescope to class (he used it to help explain how lenses work). He also gave me an 'A' for playing the living room piano while he went to the bathroom during class.

When that class was almost over, a bunch of people walked in, two of which I knew from Regent University (Dan Ostrem and Andy Didway). The professor decided that he was going to teach a whole different class since more people were there, so I ended up staying for another hour. He talked about baseball bats for about half of that time, for Dan had brought one with him, then went over some of the cinematography discussed in the book for the rest of the time).

When the class was over, Kevin and I started walking back to the dorm. On our way, we had to cross a busy street. When we thought it was safe, we started crossing, only to both get swiped by an old green car.

Then I awoke. This dream made me want to go to graduate school for some reason.

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