Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dream #251 (September 7, 2010)

I had a couple of dreams last night.

The first one was very odd. It didn't really follow time or logic or any sort of pattern. In the dream I was an elderly man. I always wore a red button-up shirt with rainbow suspenders. I had black hair, a larger nose, a scruffy beard, and I was short and chubby. I pretended to the outside world that I was a balloon salesman, but I was really some sort of crime lord. However, I spent the whole dream wondering what kind of crime lord I was.

That was the weird part. I kept thinking about what was going to happen next in the dream so much that I didn't really focus on one particular event. I would jump through time. One moment I was selling balloons, the next moment I was entering through a dark and secret hole in the wall, then the next moment I was walking down a dark alley. I kept jumping back and forth in time that I had no idea where I was or what I was doing at any given moment. It was very strange and it made me feel ill when I awoke from it in the middle of the night.

When I fell back asleep, I eventually entered into a different dream. I was finishing up a large game of Capture the Flag in a cornfield with a group of teenagers. When an athletic young man brought his opponents' flag to the centerline, I instructed all of the teens to head home after drinking some water. I then decided to walk to a nearby white farmhouse and met up with a bunch of my friends (Stan Marks, his girl friend Anna, Eric de Araujo, Kevin Chupp, Jason and Allyssa Suter, and a few more people I can't now identify). As we sat together and drank lemonade, I realized that I forgot to go and get the other flag that had not been discovered. I also realized that I didn't have my car to take me there quickly, and none of my friends had vehicles either. Thankfully, all of my friends accompanied me on the 1-mile hike over to the area where the other team's flag was located and back to the house. I told them I would have driven over there, but I didn't have a car. When we returned, I realized that I forgot my shoes (which, in the dream were skateboarding shoes, which I never wear; I only wear running shoes) over where the flag was previously hidden.

My friends were frustrated with me, but they were willing to walk with me again. However, I told them not to worry about it, for I would go by myself to get it. Just as I drank my last sip of lemonade (made by Eric D), when I was getting up to leave, Dori Walterhouse pulled up in her car and offered to drive everyone over to my shoes. I was very grateful.

Then I awoke.

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