Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dream #252 (September 8, 2010)

I've fallen behind, but I will catch up today.

The dream that took place on this particular night was fairly odd. I was at Prairie Camp, but instead of the Prairie Camp programs, college was taking place there. I was sitting in a film class being taught by my former professor Doug Miller. Interestingly enough, the inside of the cabin we were learning in resembled my 4th grade classroom.

Halfway through the lecture (which was taking place in the very early morning, around 4 a.m.) I decided to leave the classroom and walk around. Outside the cabin I discovered a large wooden chest that I remembered from childhood (I only remembered it in my dream, not in real life). I decided to open the chest.

When I did so, a hawk flew out, followed by my dead dog Sadie. Oddly enough, I was conscious of Sadie's death in my dream and was wondering how she was alive again. I came to the conclusion that she had never died but had merely been trapped inside the chest for a year (I never actually saw my dog's dead body in real life, which may have something to do with this). I was so excited that she was still among the living that I ran around camp with her until dawn.

When the sun began to rise, I took Sadie into the A-frame dorm and went to sleep with her lying right beside my bed.

Then I awoke.

1 comment:

  1. This dream makes me sad. And makes me miss Sadie. And I didn't even know her.
