Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dream #225 (May 29, 2010)

This was a rather odd dream.

Last night I was a solo spaceship pilot (kind of similar to Han Solo from Star Wars). I had crashed on a very green and forested planet and had been there for several years by the time I entered the dream. I had set up a little hut for myself, and I traded some of the parts of my old ship with the locals in order to survive.

On this particular day, I was out running through a trail in the woods I had created, wearing army fatigues and boots, when I stumbled upon a very large warship. There were hundreds of shipmates stranded on the planet, waiting for the many engineers who were part of the crew to fix the ship. I wanted to find out more about them, so I searched for the captain of the ship. I found the man in the ship's headquarters, which was an office that looked out a large, curved windshield. The captain, a tall, dark skinned man, greeted me very professionally.

I asked him to explain his situation to me, but he was very protective of his information. However, when I told him who I was, he was shocked, and he treated me very differently from that point on, even showing me respect. He informed me, to my surprise, that I was known by those who trained him as the greatest captain ever to command a ship. I was a legend, and everybody assumed I had died.

Then the captain asked me to take a look at his ship, for he knew I was a great builder of weapons. So, I took a few shots with the weaponry.

The ship's weapons were quite interesting. A full-body harness attached each gunman, with the use of flexible pipes, to the main artillery system. This was very inconvenient, because the weaponry and harness tended to move with the ship, and it was very affected by the firing of ammunition. Furthermore, it was not a good idea to have all the gunners connected so tightly to the ship.

I then spent the next several minutes designing a wireless gunning system (the special pack I created for each harness looked very similar to the wireless microphones I used for the musical "Jane Eyre"). The captain, even though he respected me, was quite skeptical, but my device worked perfectly. So well, in fact, that I was asked to created them for each weapons unit.

By the time I finished that project, the warship had been fixed. In return for the favor I granted the captain, he gave me one of the escape ships, which would allow me to leave the planet. So I left.

I then found myself in a tiny world, nearly 80 years later. It looked like a mixture of Hong Kong and Japan, but it was all very tiny. I had a memory of being a part of a mass shrinking of people so that we could fit on Earth. The only person not involved in the shrinking was the captain I had met 80 years before. He died a few days before the point of time I was experiencing, and I was going to see his memorial.

I first stopped by a run-down shack. I bought a few loaves of French bread from the shopkeeper, then went on my way. I soon reached the giant body of the captain, who had been laid on his back and tied down (the people there were very superstitious). I looked at his giant dead face (I was about as big as his nose), and I cried. I missed my younger days.

Then I awoke.

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