Monday, May 3, 2010

Dream #200 (May 3, 2010)

200 is finally here.

I began last night's dream in my house. I was a little relaxed in the morning when I awoke (in my dream) because I did not have to go to school until 11:00 a.m. Apparently I was back in high school (though, in my dream, I knew that I had already finished college), but I had the mornings off. So, because I had some extra time, I went over to my neighbor's house and shot around on their little basketball court. When I grew bored of that, I went into my garage and got out my bicycle (the junky one with the basket zip-tied to the handlebars). After pumping up the tires, a young girl walked out of my house wearing a long shirt and pajama pants. After seeing her I recognized her to be my sister that my parents had adopted while I was in college (in reality I have no sisters, biological or adopted). She was holding a black teddy bear and a box of tissues.

I asked her if her illness was the reason that she was not in school. She gave me a nonverbal 'yes,' then walked back inside.

After feeling sorry for her for a few moments, I jumped on my bike and rode around in my driveway. I did this for a very long time, for when I looked at my watch (I never wear a watch in real life), it read 11:15. I was devastated (I hate being late for things; in my dream I even had the feeling that a horrible and irreversible damage had been done to my life). I darted into the house, awakening my sister (which caused her to wail). Ignoring her, I gathered my backpack, books, gym clothes, pens, and paper, and tried to head out the door. Just as I was ready to leave, my father walked in and asked me to help him bring in groceries (usually it is my mother who does the shopping). I obeyed him, then left for school, extremely flustered.

I walked pasted what seemed like miles of red lockers until I reached mine, which was aqua blue and different from all the rest. I shoved all my possessions into it and ran into the class that I was supposed to have been in for almost an hour. It was yearbook class, so it probably was not as big a deal as I had made it out to be.

The teacher (Ms. Bolze, whom I never had, but who is still at Oregon-Davis) was sitting in front of the class, explaining to them how awful a person I was for being late.

Then I awoke. I had nothing to do this morning, so all the sense of urgency was built up inside of me for no reason.

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