Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dream #213 (May 16, 2010)


I dreamed that I graduated from a college with special honors. This college was an enormous city of castles. In the center of the city, where the graduation took place, I sat on my knees, along with five others (Dori Walterhouse, Lauren De La Calzada, Neil and Jamie Silveus, and Jamie's boyfriend) atop a large blue inflatable slide. I kept trying to slide further and further back so that the audience would think I had a higher honor than all the others, but I kept sliding back into my spot.

After the ceremony was over (there were parades, a flag waving, and a procession of graduates), I slide down the slide to greet the audience. For some odd reason I remained on my knees, and I scooted my way down the sidewalk, receiving all of the congratulatory handshakes. When I finally reached the end of the line, Velma (from Scooby-Doo) congratulated me and asked me a bunch of questions about my post-graduation plans. I didn't know what to tell her.

Then I awoke.

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