Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dream #221 (May 25, 2010)

I hope I can remember the many details of this dream.

The first part of the dream took place inside of an abandoned museum. It looked similar to the children's museum in Fort Wayne, Indiana, which is where my grandparents live.

Well, I lived in this abandoned museum. During the day (this was in my dream memory) I would write blogs and reviews online for money. During the night I would go inside of a giant hamster play set, complete with colorful transparent tubes and spinning wheels. I slept in the very middle of this enormous play set.

This particular night, after coming home from a party that took place in a person's living room that looked almost identical to Andy's living room in the Andy Griffith Show, I found Newman (from Seinfeld) sleeping in my sleeping bag, with all of my snack foods lying about him. Well, I should talk about the party first. In Andy's living room, there were tons of people, but I could not see any of their heads. I kept trying to see who was there, but I couldn't ever get past people's shoulders. The room was lit by candles, by the way.

Anyway, back to Newman, I woke him up and told him to leave. However, he told me some sob story and suckered me into letting him stay. However, I told him he had to lay on the other side of the room. He did, but he was still chatty. But, to be honest, I rather enjoyed the company. We talked about computers, about women, and about food, all very interesting topics to my dream self. Even so, I soon fell asleep.

I then awoke suddenly to discover that a woman walked into my room (I was still in the abandoned museum). It was morning, and I had slept in later than I had planned. The woman told me to join her, so I did, without question.

She took me to Oregon-Davis elementary school. It was a Saturday in the summer, so the school was closed. After we walked around the swimming pool (I was following her like I was her pet), she tried to take me into the janitor's closet (that, in real life, is the mechanical room). However, I resisted, for I was a little suspicious of her behavior. After much tugging of my arm (literally), I went in there with her. She then revealed herself to be a classmate of mine from kindergarten. Then she turned of the light, and she disappeared.

I then found myself in another dream. I was on the room of a very slanted house in London. It was, surprisingly, a beautiful sunny day. The world looked like an old color film, and I felt a little like a hippy, sitting atop the room with dandelions in my hand. Then the window next to me opened. It was Gabrielle Minix (my little brother's classmate in high school). She didn't even noticed me, for she was far too elated. I didn't bother talking to her. Instead I looked past her into her room and was surprised to see my little brother. Was he dating Gabrielle?

I didn't find out, for I was again transported into another dream. In this dream, I lived in Chicago, in a large red brick apartment building by an elevated rail line. The weather was not quite as pleasant as the previous dream portion, for it looked like a tornado could have hit at any moment.

I pulled up into the parking lot of the apartment building and went inside. When I got in there, Britta, from Community (a television program), was having a quarrel with some young man I did not know. They were shouting, and she looked very upset. The man, however, was amused by the argument. Britta eventually threw him out of the complex, then apologized to me for the incident. She invited me into her room for some honey tea (which I definitely do not like), and I accepted the invitation. Her room looked like a Freshman dorm. It had a bunk bed, and there were dirty clothes and dishes lying all around the room. There was even a stuffed animal snake that I remember from my childhood, which was hanging down from the bunk bed and touching the stove.

After I had my tea, I left the room and went to visit my neighbors. They were a Hungarian family, with a mother, a father, and a ten-year-old son. The father was cutting his boys hair, while the mother was cooking up some spaghetti. After I talked with them (really I just listened to the father go on and on about his job), I left the room and went outside.

I was shocked. People all over the city were running around in a confused panic. There were sirens going off, people screaming, and loud crashes as cars rammed into each other and as people jumped from tall buildings to their death. A tornado was coming. This was no regular tornado, though; it was the apocalypse.

I saw that monstrous, almost living, force approaching me swiftly. It was so daunting that, in my mind, it justified the panic of the city.

Then I awoke.

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