Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dream #209 (May 12, 2009)


In the middle of the night, I kept waking up thinking that I was driving, at night, into the back of a semi truck.

I later had a dream that I was in a thrift store taking part in some costume competition. I had won for the past three years, and I was not about to fold and lose this one. However, I could not get creative with the materials in this particular thrift store, which was poorly lit with tons of white metal unorganized shelves.

After searching for what was hours in my dream, I settled with a big Scooby-Doo mask, several colorful slinky-looking pipe material, some long flowing clothes (mainly pink and purple in color).

I had no hope of winning, but when I went into the changing room and put on my costume, I was very pleased with how everything turned out. I left the store happy.

Then I awoke. I'll leave the imagery of the costume up to your imagination.

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