Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dream #202 (May 4, 2010)

I dreamt.

Last night, during the first part of my dream, I was Dr. House from the show "House." This particular episode I was in (I was not acting, but it was an episode nonetheless) was not much different from a typical episode. I was manipulating my coworkers into fighting each other so I could make fun of them. But then I showed some weakness.

I went into the basement of the hospital, which was the place where the secret patients were kept. I visited a woman (who, in the dream, was my age, but really in her forties). Because she was slowly dying of an unknown disease, she was hooked up to a weird and gigantic machine. The machine was so big that the woman had to be kept in a ballroom-sized place that looked like something out of a comic book. As I was sympathizing with the woman and talking about the old days, one of my coworkers found his way into the room and saw a side of me that I, as House, had never shown anyone before.

Then I transfered over to a different dream. I was in a dim blue cave. In this cave was a beautifully lit city built into the rock Though the city was enormous, there were not many inhabitants. In fact, there were some cartoon children, the Cat in the Hat, and a few other people my age. I, however, was not a part of the town, for I was there only to investigate a mystery. I still don't know what the mystery was exactly, but I was looking for clues the entire time.

Throughout this part of the dream, I solved three Sudoku puzzles that were carved into stone. I also found odd shards of paper that made very little sense, but were obviously clues of some sort. I even interrogated the Cat in the Hat in side a dark stone closet, though that did not produce any leads.

I eventually woke up without figuring out the mystery (or figuring out what I was supposed to be figuring out). The last thing I remember was following the cartoon kids to some secret play place.

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