Friday, May 28, 2010

Dream #224 (May 28, 2010)

This was interesting.

I began the dream walking into a large hotel/event center. A huge kids event was taking place with thousands of teens and elementary-aged children running around everywhere, justifying the immense size of the rented place. Actually, the hotel/event center had some similarities to the place used at 3DYC (Three District Youth Conference), but it was much fancier. Everything was colored emerald green, and there were all kinds of fountains (with emerald green water), glass decorations, and glass elevators (tinted emerald green). It was in the middle of the night, and Dan Jeter, Caitlin Geeslin, Morgan Lewis, Nathan Galvez, and I were all attending the event in order to help watch the younger kids while the speaker gave his message.

There was one kid in particular who needed special attention. He had a degenerative disease, and he was unable to have much physical contact with his environment without bruising or breaking a bone. Furthermore, he could not walk well, so he had to be carried. Dan Jeter spend time with him first, carrying him around. This was no easy task, for he was four and a half feet tall, and because his body was decaying, he smelled very bad. I felt bad for Dan, but I had duties of my own.

I was ordered by an older woman to watch over a group of 'gangster' teens who happened to be playing hacky sack. They were a rough looking group on the outside, but they were actually not that bad. I was even able to play with them because they were so well behaved, needing very little supervision.

After a while, I felt guilty for having a bunch of fun while dan had his work cut out for him, so I switched with him (I don't know what happened to the rest of my companions during this time). Dan told me he it wasn't too bad, but he was getting tired. After I got used to the smell of the decaying flesh, I also found the experience quite enjoyable. The poor, diseased child was actually very pleasant to be with, and he was so nice to everybody around.

After I carried the young boy around for quite a while, it was time for me to take notes of the speaker. I sat in the front row. The man speaking was Jason Nicholls, the pastor at Redeemer Missionary. He had a huge beard and glasses in my dream, and he was swearing under his breath quite a bit (which he surely doesn't do in real life). He was speaking about preserving the earth, with a full power point and video presentation playing behind him. The odd thing was that the room was very dark and, though I was sitting only about 20 feet from Jason, I could barely see him.

When the message was finished, Dan and I left in a hurry, for we had to catch a bus. We even took a special route that ran underneath the hotel/event center. This special rout was very similar to a sewer. After climbing down a skinny ladder and exiting through a steel door that lead to a drain pipe, I felt a tug on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a young woman with black hair. Something about her looked familiar, but I did not recognize her. I told Dan to go on without me, and he did. The young lady then asked me if I recognized her. I told her I didn't, and she was very upset with me. Then my dream memory kicked in. I pictured the woman with blonde hair, and I immediately recognized her as my former fiance (I've never had a fiance). I apologized for my mistake and told her I had no time to talk. However, she insisted that we 'get back together.' I thought about it for a few moments, but I couldn't make up my mind. I told her I would 'think about it,' then I ran and caught up to Dan in the sewer pipe.

We then exited out of a manhole, right at the bus stop. Caitlin and Morgan were there (no Nathan). Moments after we brushed the gunk off of our clothes, two buses pulled up. Dan, Nathan, and Morgan got on the first bus, and it took off. They didn't even say goodbye.

A little confused, I got on the next bus, which looked a lot like a train car. There were a few business men and women on the bus, and one old hillbilly. There were no seats inside the bus, and the walls were completely covered with the comic sections of what must have been tons of newspapers. The bus quickly left the stop and accelerated through the city at great speed.

Nobody said a word to each other, until the old hillbilly ordered the bus to stop. When it pulled to a stop, I noticed that the street we were on was very narrow. It was also, like the bus, covered with the funny papers. Right by where we stopped there was a K-Mart gas station, and the old hillbilly got off. Instead of leaving, though, the bus waited for him to finish his shopping.

When the old man finally returned to the bus, he brought with him some Silly Putty, a yo-yo, and a bouncy ball, all of which he gave to me in a plastic grocery bag. He patted me on the head and told me he was proud of my accomplishments. I still don't know who he was supposed to be.

Then I awoke.

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