Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dream #219 (May 22, 2010)

This was very interesting and not as trivial as some of my dreams.

I dreamt that I was a great man. Many people respected me. I was a leader of the people, tall in stature, and I had the build of a lion. My people and I were living in a post-apocalyptic world, and we were preparing for a large battle. We were all residing in a large blue mansion, for that was our hiding place and headquarters. Our enemies were very soon going to attack us, for they had discovered where we were hiding.

I gathered all my people around me, and I made a powerful speech about death and about purpose, emphasizing the fact that we were about to stand up against an enemy far superior to ourselves in strength, but much weaker in purpose. Among those present were Carrie, David, and Kelly Badertscher, Amy and Bo Ennis, and Lauren De La Calzada. I was impressed at how well the speech was received, for I had a backup plan in case I ran into opposition.

We then broke for lunch, which I entitled the final meal. It was very much like one would find at a wedding, including a tower-like cake. The whole meal felt very symbolic.

When I finished eating, I talked with Amy Ennis while sitting on carpeted stairs leading to the basement of the mansion. She explained to me that she didn't think Asa should get married yet (an opinion that is not necessarily real; this is all within my head, so I will take the blame for all occurrences). The conversation about Asa resembled, in many ways, my own life. We discussed loneliness and solitude and the benefits of being forever single.

Bo intercepted Amy's conversation with me, for he wanted to spend some time alone with his wife before the battle, so I went off and sat in a coat closet by myself. While I was sitting in there, I thought about the speech I had just given. Then it hit me. Do I really know anything at all about death? Even though I had a faith, there is still some uncertainty involved (this all went through my mind in my dream; it may or may not be a reflection of how I feel). There was actually a great uncertainty. I wasn't sure I was willing to stand in front of my people and lay down my life for them. I had a break down in the closet.

Fortunately I quickly got over this agony. I began thinking about my people. I though about all they had done for me and all I had done with them. This gave me strength. I thought about life after death. I thought about how I simply could not believe in anything else. I left the closet, walked out to the front of the house and stood there, staring at the horizon.

After a few minutes, some of my people left the house and joined me. After a while, everyone was standing by my side, even the women and children. We were proud to stand together, and we felt stronger than before, for each of us felt the strength of one another.

Then the enemy appeared on the horizon, which was a break between a thick and dark woods. Death was with them, I knew, for though I had the utmost confidence in my people, I knew that the enemy was great. Then a band of wild horses, not affiliated with and outrunning our enemy, ran at us.

Then I awoke.

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