Friday, May 14, 2010

Dream #211 (May 14, 2010)

This is pretty bizarre.

The first thing that I remember took place outside of a gated park. The gate ran around the entire property, which I discovered while riding in the passenger seat of a topless Jeep Cherokee (which may not exist; it resembled Nathan Galvez's Jeep, though his is not topless). Kevin Chupp was driving the vehicle, like a maniac, and we whipped around the corners of the property at alarming speeds. After circumnavigating the entire place, Kevin decided to ramp a curb in an attempt to launch us over the fence.

Well, this suicide maneuver kind of work, for the Jeep soared above the fence. However, we began to tip harshly to one side. I remember that, while we were in mid air, I came very close to abandoning the vehicle. However, as I was just about to jump, I changed my mind, which turned out to be a very wise decision, for the vehicle landed unpredictably, yet safely, on the ground.

After I congratulated Kevin on his great landing, we rode further into the very green park. After a few miles, we reached a manmade beach with a very large swimming pool. Kevin dropped me off there and left.

I soon found my dad on the beach (which turned out to be a thin layer of sand on concrete). He was laying on my old Jurassic Park towel (which I lost and, 10 years later, found at Prairie Camp). I asked him where my iPod was, and he told me to find it myself. I dug through my mom's beach bag (she wasn't there) until I found my 4G pink iPod Nano. When I turned it on, I realized that the battery was low, and I was a little frustrated. I had left it on in the pool (that was my thought; I don't really know what it means).

This next part is interesting.

I changed in a Port-A-John into a waiter's uniform (white shirt, red vest, black tie, black slacks, dress shoes). I walked out to the pool, iPod in hand, and went into the water. I somehow stayed dry, as did everyone else around me. There were several tables set up in the pool with people eating around them. I then went over to a table that looked like it needed service. When I neared it, I realized that Nathan Galvez and Shawn Eastridge were eating there together. I sat down with them and talked with them for a while.

Shawn informed me that I should change my mind about not going to The Who concert that was to take place in a few days. I simply told him that I didn't really appreciate them enough to watch them in their old age. Shawn then put the subject aside and resumed playing with Nathan's action figures (Stretch Armstrong and Transformers, neither of which I had growing up). As I talked with Shawn and Nathan about their toys, a sudden urge to poop came upon me. It was so strong that I dropped my iPod to the floor of the pool and buckled over. I pooped my pants a little bit.

I rushed out of the pool and into the bathroom (which was lit with greenish purple lights). The first stall I tried was looked. I looked underneath to see if it was actually occupied (a tactic I typically use), and saw my grandfather's shoes by the base of the toilet. I went to the next stall. Then Rebekah Harrison walked out of it, which confused me. Then I realized it wasn't Rebekah, but an impersonator. This impostor was trying to sell herself to me, which really grossed me out and disturbed me. She kept me from getting into the stall on time, which cased me to drop a large turd in my pants. I was very frustrated. Then my grandfather walked out of the other stall.

Then I awoke. The strange thing is, I almost pooped myself the morning after, maybe because I was so paranoid about it.

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