Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dream #225 (May 29, 2010)

This was a rather odd dream.

Last night I was a solo spaceship pilot (kind of similar to Han Solo from Star Wars). I had crashed on a very green and forested planet and had been there for several years by the time I entered the dream. I had set up a little hut for myself, and I traded some of the parts of my old ship with the locals in order to survive.

On this particular day, I was out running through a trail in the woods I had created, wearing army fatigues and boots, when I stumbled upon a very large warship. There were hundreds of shipmates stranded on the planet, waiting for the many engineers who were part of the crew to fix the ship. I wanted to find out more about them, so I searched for the captain of the ship. I found the man in the ship's headquarters, which was an office that looked out a large, curved windshield. The captain, a tall, dark skinned man, greeted me very professionally.

I asked him to explain his situation to me, but he was very protective of his information. However, when I told him who I was, he was shocked, and he treated me very differently from that point on, even showing me respect. He informed me, to my surprise, that I was known by those who trained him as the greatest captain ever to command a ship. I was a legend, and everybody assumed I had died.

Then the captain asked me to take a look at his ship, for he knew I was a great builder of weapons. So, I took a few shots with the weaponry.

The ship's weapons were quite interesting. A full-body harness attached each gunman, with the use of flexible pipes, to the main artillery system. This was very inconvenient, because the weaponry and harness tended to move with the ship, and it was very affected by the firing of ammunition. Furthermore, it was not a good idea to have all the gunners connected so tightly to the ship.

I then spent the next several minutes designing a wireless gunning system (the special pack I created for each harness looked very similar to the wireless microphones I used for the musical "Jane Eyre"). The captain, even though he respected me, was quite skeptical, but my device worked perfectly. So well, in fact, that I was asked to created them for each weapons unit.

By the time I finished that project, the warship had been fixed. In return for the favor I granted the captain, he gave me one of the escape ships, which would allow me to leave the planet. So I left.

I then found myself in a tiny world, nearly 80 years later. It looked like a mixture of Hong Kong and Japan, but it was all very tiny. I had a memory of being a part of a mass shrinking of people so that we could fit on Earth. The only person not involved in the shrinking was the captain I had met 80 years before. He died a few days before the point of time I was experiencing, and I was going to see his memorial.

I first stopped by a run-down shack. I bought a few loaves of French bread from the shopkeeper, then went on my way. I soon reached the giant body of the captain, who had been laid on his back and tied down (the people there were very superstitious). I looked at his giant dead face (I was about as big as his nose), and I cried. I missed my younger days.

Then I awoke.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dream #224 (May 28, 2010)

This was interesting.

I began the dream walking into a large hotel/event center. A huge kids event was taking place with thousands of teens and elementary-aged children running around everywhere, justifying the immense size of the rented place. Actually, the hotel/event center had some similarities to the place used at 3DYC (Three District Youth Conference), but it was much fancier. Everything was colored emerald green, and there were all kinds of fountains (with emerald green water), glass decorations, and glass elevators (tinted emerald green). It was in the middle of the night, and Dan Jeter, Caitlin Geeslin, Morgan Lewis, Nathan Galvez, and I were all attending the event in order to help watch the younger kids while the speaker gave his message.

There was one kid in particular who needed special attention. He had a degenerative disease, and he was unable to have much physical contact with his environment without bruising or breaking a bone. Furthermore, he could not walk well, so he had to be carried. Dan Jeter spend time with him first, carrying him around. This was no easy task, for he was four and a half feet tall, and because his body was decaying, he smelled very bad. I felt bad for Dan, but I had duties of my own.

I was ordered by an older woman to watch over a group of 'gangster' teens who happened to be playing hacky sack. They were a rough looking group on the outside, but they were actually not that bad. I was even able to play with them because they were so well behaved, needing very little supervision.

After a while, I felt guilty for having a bunch of fun while dan had his work cut out for him, so I switched with him (I don't know what happened to the rest of my companions during this time). Dan told me he it wasn't too bad, but he was getting tired. After I got used to the smell of the decaying flesh, I also found the experience quite enjoyable. The poor, diseased child was actually very pleasant to be with, and he was so nice to everybody around.

After I carried the young boy around for quite a while, it was time for me to take notes of the speaker. I sat in the front row. The man speaking was Jason Nicholls, the pastor at Redeemer Missionary. He had a huge beard and glasses in my dream, and he was swearing under his breath quite a bit (which he surely doesn't do in real life). He was speaking about preserving the earth, with a full power point and video presentation playing behind him. The odd thing was that the room was very dark and, though I was sitting only about 20 feet from Jason, I could barely see him.

When the message was finished, Dan and I left in a hurry, for we had to catch a bus. We even took a special route that ran underneath the hotel/event center. This special rout was very similar to a sewer. After climbing down a skinny ladder and exiting through a steel door that lead to a drain pipe, I felt a tug on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a young woman with black hair. Something about her looked familiar, but I did not recognize her. I told Dan to go on without me, and he did. The young lady then asked me if I recognized her. I told her I didn't, and she was very upset with me. Then my dream memory kicked in. I pictured the woman with blonde hair, and I immediately recognized her as my former fiance (I've never had a fiance). I apologized for my mistake and told her I had no time to talk. However, she insisted that we 'get back together.' I thought about it for a few moments, but I couldn't make up my mind. I told her I would 'think about it,' then I ran and caught up to Dan in the sewer pipe.

We then exited out of a manhole, right at the bus stop. Caitlin and Morgan were there (no Nathan). Moments after we brushed the gunk off of our clothes, two buses pulled up. Dan, Nathan, and Morgan got on the first bus, and it took off. They didn't even say goodbye.

A little confused, I got on the next bus, which looked a lot like a train car. There were a few business men and women on the bus, and one old hillbilly. There were no seats inside the bus, and the walls were completely covered with the comic sections of what must have been tons of newspapers. The bus quickly left the stop and accelerated through the city at great speed.

Nobody said a word to each other, until the old hillbilly ordered the bus to stop. When it pulled to a stop, I noticed that the street we were on was very narrow. It was also, like the bus, covered with the funny papers. Right by where we stopped there was a K-Mart gas station, and the old hillbilly got off. Instead of leaving, though, the bus waited for him to finish his shopping.

When the old man finally returned to the bus, he brought with him some Silly Putty, a yo-yo, and a bouncy ball, all of which he gave to me in a plastic grocery bag. He patted me on the head and told me he was proud of my accomplishments. I still don't know who he was supposed to be.

Then I awoke.

Dream #223 (May 27, 2010)

I don't remember much from this one either.

I believe I was in Oregon-Davis High School again. I was wandering the figure eight (the school's hallways make an 8 shape), going by the skinny lockers with great speed. I did this for a long time.

I think something cool happened, but I can't remember it at this time (it is a day later). Sorry.

Dream #222 (May 26, 2010)

Well, I don't remember much of this.

I believe I was at my little brother's graduation part. However, instead of being held at Koontz Lake Missionary Church, it was held in my backyard. There were several tables set up, and each table had its own cake and set of balloons. There were many people there, most of which were my friends and acquaintances, not my brother's.

That is all I remember.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dream #221 (May 25, 2010)

I hope I can remember the many details of this dream.

The first part of the dream took place inside of an abandoned museum. It looked similar to the children's museum in Fort Wayne, Indiana, which is where my grandparents live.

Well, I lived in this abandoned museum. During the day (this was in my dream memory) I would write blogs and reviews online for money. During the night I would go inside of a giant hamster play set, complete with colorful transparent tubes and spinning wheels. I slept in the very middle of this enormous play set.

This particular night, after coming home from a party that took place in a person's living room that looked almost identical to Andy's living room in the Andy Griffith Show, I found Newman (from Seinfeld) sleeping in my sleeping bag, with all of my snack foods lying about him. Well, I should talk about the party first. In Andy's living room, there were tons of people, but I could not see any of their heads. I kept trying to see who was there, but I couldn't ever get past people's shoulders. The room was lit by candles, by the way.

Anyway, back to Newman, I woke him up and told him to leave. However, he told me some sob story and suckered me into letting him stay. However, I told him he had to lay on the other side of the room. He did, but he was still chatty. But, to be honest, I rather enjoyed the company. We talked about computers, about women, and about food, all very interesting topics to my dream self. Even so, I soon fell asleep.

I then awoke suddenly to discover that a woman walked into my room (I was still in the abandoned museum). It was morning, and I had slept in later than I had planned. The woman told me to join her, so I did, without question.

She took me to Oregon-Davis elementary school. It was a Saturday in the summer, so the school was closed. After we walked around the swimming pool (I was following her like I was her pet), she tried to take me into the janitor's closet (that, in real life, is the mechanical room). However, I resisted, for I was a little suspicious of her behavior. After much tugging of my arm (literally), I went in there with her. She then revealed herself to be a classmate of mine from kindergarten. Then she turned of the light, and she disappeared.

I then found myself in another dream. I was on the room of a very slanted house in London. It was, surprisingly, a beautiful sunny day. The world looked like an old color film, and I felt a little like a hippy, sitting atop the room with dandelions in my hand. Then the window next to me opened. It was Gabrielle Minix (my little brother's classmate in high school). She didn't even noticed me, for she was far too elated. I didn't bother talking to her. Instead I looked past her into her room and was surprised to see my little brother. Was he dating Gabrielle?

I didn't find out, for I was again transported into another dream. In this dream, I lived in Chicago, in a large red brick apartment building by an elevated rail line. The weather was not quite as pleasant as the previous dream portion, for it looked like a tornado could have hit at any moment.

I pulled up into the parking lot of the apartment building and went inside. When I got in there, Britta, from Community (a television program), was having a quarrel with some young man I did not know. They were shouting, and she looked very upset. The man, however, was amused by the argument. Britta eventually threw him out of the complex, then apologized to me for the incident. She invited me into her room for some honey tea (which I definitely do not like), and I accepted the invitation. Her room looked like a Freshman dorm. It had a bunk bed, and there were dirty clothes and dishes lying all around the room. There was even a stuffed animal snake that I remember from my childhood, which was hanging down from the bunk bed and touching the stove.

After I had my tea, I left the room and went to visit my neighbors. They were a Hungarian family, with a mother, a father, and a ten-year-old son. The father was cutting his boys hair, while the mother was cooking up some spaghetti. After I talked with them (really I just listened to the father go on and on about his job), I left the room and went outside.

I was shocked. People all over the city were running around in a confused panic. There were sirens going off, people screaming, and loud crashes as cars rammed into each other and as people jumped from tall buildings to their death. A tornado was coming. This was no regular tornado, though; it was the apocalypse.

I saw that monstrous, almost living, force approaching me swiftly. It was so daunting that, in my mind, it justified the panic of the city.

Then I awoke.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dream #220 (May 24, 2010)


I dreamt that I was in a very surreal world. Everything had a blue tint to it suspended in darkness and fog. It looked like something from an 80's low budget horror film.

Anyways, I traveled around searching for the 'right' house. I entered several different houses in the weird city I was in, and I didn't bother to knock. The strange thing was that many of the rooms looked similar to rooms I had seen in my past. One room in one of the houses looked similar to the house from Dream #183. Another room looked like the foyer from California Road Missionary Church. Yet another room looked like the classroom in which I took a New Testament class at Bethel. The last room I entered was what I thought was the right one. However, it was not. It was a small living room that resembled the living room of one of my mother's relatives, whom I visited with my parents several years ago. In this room Caitlin Geeslin (Regent University classmate), Shawn Niles (Oregon-Davis High School classmate), Delta (Regent classmate), and Jake (another guy that graduated from O-D), along with a few others that I did not know, were taking acting lessons from Christopher Walken. They were irritated that I had interrupted them.

Then I awoke. I don't really know what I was searching for in that dream.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dream #219 (May 23, 2010)

Not nearly as intense as the dream from the night before.

I dreamt that I was in my old high school. It was a free day, for it was the last day of school, so I was going around from classroom to classroom saying goodbye to my teachers. One of my teachers, Mrs. Flaugher, sat me down and was trying to pour all of her life lessons on me in one sitting. After a while, I got up and left.

I went to the Ms. Vogel's room (she is the math teacher) and I played thinking games. I had quite a bit of fun in there. After a while there was an announcement from the principal that everyone was to go into the gym.

When I walked in, all the other students were already sitting in the bleachers.

Then I awoke.

Dream #219 (May 22, 2010)

This was very interesting and not as trivial as some of my dreams.

I dreamt that I was a great man. Many people respected me. I was a leader of the people, tall in stature, and I had the build of a lion. My people and I were living in a post-apocalyptic world, and we were preparing for a large battle. We were all residing in a large blue mansion, for that was our hiding place and headquarters. Our enemies were very soon going to attack us, for they had discovered where we were hiding.

I gathered all my people around me, and I made a powerful speech about death and about purpose, emphasizing the fact that we were about to stand up against an enemy far superior to ourselves in strength, but much weaker in purpose. Among those present were Carrie, David, and Kelly Badertscher, Amy and Bo Ennis, and Lauren De La Calzada. I was impressed at how well the speech was received, for I had a backup plan in case I ran into opposition.

We then broke for lunch, which I entitled the final meal. It was very much like one would find at a wedding, including a tower-like cake. The whole meal felt very symbolic.

When I finished eating, I talked with Amy Ennis while sitting on carpeted stairs leading to the basement of the mansion. She explained to me that she didn't think Asa should get married yet (an opinion that is not necessarily real; this is all within my head, so I will take the blame for all occurrences). The conversation about Asa resembled, in many ways, my own life. We discussed loneliness and solitude and the benefits of being forever single.

Bo intercepted Amy's conversation with me, for he wanted to spend some time alone with his wife before the battle, so I went off and sat in a coat closet by myself. While I was sitting in there, I thought about the speech I had just given. Then it hit me. Do I really know anything at all about death? Even though I had a faith, there is still some uncertainty involved (this all went through my mind in my dream; it may or may not be a reflection of how I feel). There was actually a great uncertainty. I wasn't sure I was willing to stand in front of my people and lay down my life for them. I had a break down in the closet.

Fortunately I quickly got over this agony. I began thinking about my people. I though about all they had done for me and all I had done with them. This gave me strength. I thought about life after death. I thought about how I simply could not believe in anything else. I left the closet, walked out to the front of the house and stood there, staring at the horizon.

After a few minutes, some of my people left the house and joined me. After a while, everyone was standing by my side, even the women and children. We were proud to stand together, and we felt stronger than before, for each of us felt the strength of one another.

Then the enemy appeared on the horizon, which was a break between a thick and dark woods. Death was with them, I knew, for though I had the utmost confidence in my people, I knew that the enemy was great. Then a band of wild horses, not affiliated with and outrunning our enemy, ran at us.

Then I awoke.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dream #218 (May 21, 2010)

The organ is my new love.

I dreamt that I was in a thrift store, alone, in the middle of the night. For one reason or another, the store was still open, so when I saw a sweet little organ, I bought it for fifty cents. I was so happy that I rolled the organ out of the store right then and there.

I rolled this organ down a major highway (there were no cars anywhere, though) to a large supermarket, similar to Wal-Mart. I wheeled the organ around this store showing everybody what I had purchased. I was only distracted once by a bucket of five dollar movies, but I almost always concentrated on rolling about the organ.

After a while, I rolled it outside the supermarket by the pop machines. There I donated it to a bunch of skateboarders, who began using it as an object for them to grind upon. I felt good about myself.

Then I awoke.

Dream #217 (May 20, 2010)

Disc Golf.

I dreamt that I plated disc golf with my father and my older brother. The coarse was in a wooded dessert (that's what it was, really). We were moving at a good pace, but a group of young nuns were always right behind us, and we made them wait quite often. I'm still not sure how they finished so quickly.

Anyways, the disc golf was not typical disc golf. After every hole was completed, each player was required to solve a puzzle. Some of the puzzles were Sodoku, others were crosswords, and still others were math problems.

There was one particular problem somewhere around the fifteenth hole that took me very little time. This impressed the nuns so much that they hovered about me.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dream #216 (May 19, 2010)

Back on track.

I dreamt that I was attending a midnight speech at Prairie Camp (though the place looked nothing like P.C.). While most people sat on blankets in front of the stage lit by arena lights, I decided to sit under a big red monster truck. To be more rebellious, I listened to my little pink iPod as a hip elderly woman gave her speech. I zoned out during the entire speech.

When I realized it was over, I discovered that I had fallen asleep and it was the following morning (though it still was dark as night). Carrie and David Badertscher were cleaning up the blankets and the popcorn bags that had been left on the ground. I immediately got up and ran away.

As I ran, I realized that my phone, iPod, wallet, and keys were all missing from my pockets (which is no surprise, for I wear athletic shorts a lot; I've been warned of this many times by my jean-wearing friends). I ran back to under the monster truck and searched in the grass. I told Carrie that I knew this would happen to me.

As I felt the grass, I found everything I had lost except for my keys, which were on an Alf keychain. I was about to give up hope when I saw a lost-and-found basket sitting near one of the back tires of the truck. I looked in it and immediately found my phone (which is, in real life, still lost from when I left it on top of my friend's Jeep).

Then I awoke.

Dream #215 (May 18, 2010)

Another short one.

I don't remember much. I believe I was riding in the back seat of Dan Jeter's car, but I could not see or hear the people in the front seats. It was dark outside.

That is all I can remember.

Oh, I do remember another par of the dream where I was riding down Indiana 23 in the middle of the night on my bicycle. I saw many weird people on my ride, including a lumberjack, a crack addict, and a little girl by herself.

Dream #214 (May 17, 2010)

Sorry for the short description.

I dreamt that I was walking around a pale campus that looked like a bunch of apartment buildings. I tried to find the building I was supposed to enter, but I couldn't find it.

So, I took my skateboard and joined my young rebellious friends inside a wooden water tower. We looked at nature magazines and discussed camping. Then I left and climbed up on a rooftop.

Then I awoke.

Dream #213 (May 16, 2010)


I dreamed that I graduated from a college with special honors. This college was an enormous city of castles. In the center of the city, where the graduation took place, I sat on my knees, along with five others (Dori Walterhouse, Lauren De La Calzada, Neil and Jamie Silveus, and Jamie's boyfriend) atop a large blue inflatable slide. I kept trying to slide further and further back so that the audience would think I had a higher honor than all the others, but I kept sliding back into my spot.

After the ceremony was over (there were parades, a flag waving, and a procession of graduates), I slide down the slide to greet the audience. For some odd reason I remained on my knees, and I scooted my way down the sidewalk, receiving all of the congratulatory handshakes. When I finally reached the end of the line, Velma (from Scooby-Doo) congratulated me and asked me a bunch of questions about my post-graduation plans. I didn't know what to tell her.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dream #212 (May 15, 2010)

Another dream.

I began the dream with the knowledge that my older brother advised me to attend a small get together of people that I did not know because there was supposed to be an inflated plane ride for all those attending the picnic.

Well, I arrived at the picnic area and realized that I didn't know anybody there. Pastor Jason of Redeemer Missionary Church had a cousin there (I don't know if he actually has a cousin), and he talked to me for a little while (he had a cool mustache). But nobody else really talked to me. Coach Lotter (my high school track coach) was supposed to be there, but he didn't show up right away.

The picnic took place in a pavilion, and the rest of the area was grass and trees except for an enormous wall that was 500 feet long and 100 feet high. People were standing in line by the wall, waiting for the inflated plane ride. Now, I don't believe that inflated planes are real things. This craft was a mixture between a hot air balloon and an airplane, and I'm not exactly sure how it worked. There was a professional pilot there, and he would take one passenger at a time and fly around with him/her for a few minutes. After I waited in line for a very long time (I was at the end of the line), The pilot decided he was done flying right when it was my turn to join him. I was very upset, and my bitterness remained for the rest of the picnic.

I watched other people play frisbee, eat burgers, converse with each other, and enjoy themselves, but I did none of these things. I kept wondering why I listened to my older brother's advice.

I eventually awoke.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dream #211 (May 14, 2010)

This is pretty bizarre.

The first thing that I remember took place outside of a gated park. The gate ran around the entire property, which I discovered while riding in the passenger seat of a topless Jeep Cherokee (which may not exist; it resembled Nathan Galvez's Jeep, though his is not topless). Kevin Chupp was driving the vehicle, like a maniac, and we whipped around the corners of the property at alarming speeds. After circumnavigating the entire place, Kevin decided to ramp a curb in an attempt to launch us over the fence.

Well, this suicide maneuver kind of work, for the Jeep soared above the fence. However, we began to tip harshly to one side. I remember that, while we were in mid air, I came very close to abandoning the vehicle. However, as I was just about to jump, I changed my mind, which turned out to be a very wise decision, for the vehicle landed unpredictably, yet safely, on the ground.

After I congratulated Kevin on his great landing, we rode further into the very green park. After a few miles, we reached a manmade beach with a very large swimming pool. Kevin dropped me off there and left.

I soon found my dad on the beach (which turned out to be a thin layer of sand on concrete). He was laying on my old Jurassic Park towel (which I lost and, 10 years later, found at Prairie Camp). I asked him where my iPod was, and he told me to find it myself. I dug through my mom's beach bag (she wasn't there) until I found my 4G pink iPod Nano. When I turned it on, I realized that the battery was low, and I was a little frustrated. I had left it on in the pool (that was my thought; I don't really know what it means).

This next part is interesting.

I changed in a Port-A-John into a waiter's uniform (white shirt, red vest, black tie, black slacks, dress shoes). I walked out to the pool, iPod in hand, and went into the water. I somehow stayed dry, as did everyone else around me. There were several tables set up in the pool with people eating around them. I then went over to a table that looked like it needed service. When I neared it, I realized that Nathan Galvez and Shawn Eastridge were eating there together. I sat down with them and talked with them for a while.

Shawn informed me that I should change my mind about not going to The Who concert that was to take place in a few days. I simply told him that I didn't really appreciate them enough to watch them in their old age. Shawn then put the subject aside and resumed playing with Nathan's action figures (Stretch Armstrong and Transformers, neither of which I had growing up). As I talked with Shawn and Nathan about their toys, a sudden urge to poop came upon me. It was so strong that I dropped my iPod to the floor of the pool and buckled over. I pooped my pants a little bit.

I rushed out of the pool and into the bathroom (which was lit with greenish purple lights). The first stall I tried was looked. I looked underneath to see if it was actually occupied (a tactic I typically use), and saw my grandfather's shoes by the base of the toilet. I went to the next stall. Then Rebekah Harrison walked out of it, which confused me. Then I realized it wasn't Rebekah, but an impersonator. This impostor was trying to sell herself to me, which really grossed me out and disturbed me. She kept me from getting into the stall on time, which cased me to drop a large turd in my pants. I was very frustrated. Then my grandfather walked out of the other stall.

Then I awoke. The strange thing is, I almost pooped myself the morning after, maybe because I was so paranoid about it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dream #210 (May 13, 2009)

This was kind of crazy.

In last night's dream, I was riding, in the middle of the night, down Indiana 23 (which runs by my house) with Dan Jeter and Caitlin Geeslin. The road was much busier than it really is, and there was actually a night life in my dream. In a way, the streets resembled the busy markets I saw in Hong Kong, though there were far more people there than in my dream.

After we rode past the curves by Koontz Lake, we headed for the Slushee shop (that doesn't really exist), hoping that it would close and we would be able to shoot a stop-motion animation there, using the Slushee machines. Well, when we arrived, the place was busy as ever, and many of the customers were students I had had whilst I was a substitute teacher at Oregon-Davis Elementary and Jr./Sr. High Schools. The kids were particularly mean to my friends and I (one short red head was beating me with a broom handle), and the Slushee place didn't look like it would close any time soon, so Caitlin, Dan, and I rode away on our bikes.

We then rested in the parking lot of Territorial Engineering, which is where I worked while I was in high school. As we talked to each other, Reed Lyons and Jessica Smith rode up with jousting poles. Jessica handed each of us a pole as Reed, with great excitement and pride, showed off his specially crafted pole. The one I received was simply a pool stick, which would not hold up against the light-weight metal of Reed's jousting pole. He asked me if I wanted to joust, but I turned him down.

Caitlin, Dan, and I then rode to the church. We entered into the sanctuary, which looked much more like a large stadium than Koontz Lake Missionary Church, and found some seats. Somehow Dan and Caitlin ended up sitting in the front row near the right of the stage, while I ended up clear in the back row in the center. There were not nearly as many people where I was. Terry Ferch (my neighbor) was holding a young girl, but other than them, I was alone.

Suddenly a very cheesy short church movie played on the big screen. I don't remember much of it, other than it was about sharing. Then my dad, who was supposed to be the opening act for the children's program, put on a three-hour magic show. It was obnoxious. He did everything from cutting up ties, to making doves appear out of nowhere, to guessing things written on pieces of paper in the hands of various audience members. I was so embarrassed, and I wished that Caitlin, Dan, and Nathan Galvez (who suddenly appeared in my dream) could meet my father under different circumstances.

To make matters worse, my father was wearing a sombrero and a Mexican blanket.

As he dug himself into a deeper and deeper hole, I began to pay less and less attention to him. I started talking to Terry. When I asked her whose daughter the girl in her lap was, she told me to guess. When I could not come up with an answer, she told me the girl was the daughter of Jennifer, her daughter (though she has no older daughter named Jennifer; in fact, the image of this "Jennifer" that came to my mind in the dream resembles Jenna, my RA last year). I told Terry that I should have seen the resemblance.

Then I awoke.

Dream #209 (May 12, 2009)


In the middle of the night, I kept waking up thinking that I was driving, at night, into the back of a semi truck.

I later had a dream that I was in a thrift store taking part in some costume competition. I had won for the past three years, and I was not about to fold and lose this one. However, I could not get creative with the materials in this particular thrift store, which was poorly lit with tons of white metal unorganized shelves.

After searching for what was hours in my dream, I settled with a big Scooby-Doo mask, several colorful slinky-looking pipe material, some long flowing clothes (mainly pink and purple in color).

I had no hope of winning, but when I went into the changing room and put on my costume, I was very pleased with how everything turned out. I left the store happy.

Then I awoke. I'll leave the imagery of the costume up to your imagination.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dream #208 (May 11, 2010)

I've caught back up.

Last night I was part of some sort of game. Well, it wasn't as much a game as a life with multiple lives (or chances).

I would journey through a woods full of furry and colorful monsters until I reached a gravel road. I was often defeated by monsters, and they would eat me, and I would start back where I was before.

A couple times I made it past the gravel road. Every time I did this, the road was fall into the ground, and in its place would be a bottomless pit. I would be stuck in a circle clear of trees with a wizard (he was in his thirties, and he had short black hair and a red robe). This wizard threw lightning and women at me (it was strange; the women just appeared and tried to draw me into his trap). Many times I fell to his tricks and traps. A couple times I almost escaped him, but I fell into the pit.

Finally, after many trials, I defeated the wizard. When this happened, the world began to shake, and everything began to collapse around me. I ran back from where I originated, hoping to make it past the pit alive. Unfortunately, the wizard cast one last spell, which created an invisible wall in front of the only place where I could safely make it across the pit. I ran into this wall and was knocked toward the pit. I almost fell in, but I caught myself at the edge. I dangled there for a while, until finally I was pulled back to the surface by one of the trick women. She told me to hurry back, for the world was collapsing, so, with her assistance, I leaped from her back over the pit back to where I came from. I made it just in time, for the world behind me fell into complete blackness.

Then I awoke.

Dream #207 (May 10, 2010)

Another very short one.

I was at a carnival. There were several creepy rides and creepy carnival workers. I remember buying an enormous soft pretzel and seeing my dead dog (Sadie).

I awoke eventually.

Dream #206 (May 9, 2010)

This will also be short, for I dreamt it a couple of days ago.

I was in the dining part of a ship eating with many of the crew, the captain, and Daniel Jeter. We ate corn on the cop like in that old Micky Mouse cartoon where he and goofy are on a camper that goes crazy.

I can't remember much else.

Dream #205 (May 8, 2010)

Sorry for the tardiness.

I found myself in a basement filled with silver and copper pipes. There were all different sizes of pipes, and they ran in several directions. With me in the dim basement was the big guy from "The Green Mile." He was playing John Henry in my dream, and he was hammering away at the pipes, racing against a machine as I timed him.

He was doing very well when one of the pipes exploded, letting out a large amount of gas.

Then I awoke.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dream #204 (May 6, 2010)

This was not fun.

After a long day of driving (from Indiana to Virginia Beach), all I could dream aboutr was driving. I drove for so long. To make matters worse, it was dark outside, and my headlights were the only lights around, so there was not much scenery to enjoy.

I awoke later. Nothing really happened in the dream.

Dream #203 (May 5, 2010)

This was fun.

The beginning of last night's dream was awesome. I was sitting in my bedroom when I received a phonecall from ?uestlove of The Roots. He informed me that he was interested in playing the drums with Phil Bridges (an elderly musician in my church with whom I am recording an album) and me. So, logically, I walked outside into a city packed with small and colorful homes. However, there were no people or vehicles anywhere; there were only streets and houses. After a few minutes of waiting on my doorstep, ?uestlove walked up carrying a drum set on his back, ready to work. I asked him if the other members of The Roots were going to help out, and he told me they were on their way in their private jet. I wondered why he didn't go with them. Maybe he just wanted the exercise.

I then switched over to a different dream. I was at Prairie Camp, walking from behind the cafeteria to the softball diamond. In my hand was a plastic ice cream cone with real ice cream inside of it. I believe it was vanilla.

Anyway, there were a great number of people watching a big game. However, I only knew one of those people, Kevin Chupp, who was sitting atop a crow's nest (like one that could be found on a large ship). He had his binoculars in hand, along with a huge burger, and he looked as if he was enjoying himself.

Then things changed. People began to panick and look about them, trying to find something. Then a woman ran by me saying that her daughter had gone missing.

Not panicked at all, I walked into the woods by the softball field and found the young girl there sitting on a pile of rocks. I asked her why she had run away.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dream #202 (May 4, 2010)

I dreamt.

Last night, during the first part of my dream, I was Dr. House from the show "House." This particular episode I was in (I was not acting, but it was an episode nonetheless) was not much different from a typical episode. I was manipulating my coworkers into fighting each other so I could make fun of them. But then I showed some weakness.

I went into the basement of the hospital, which was the place where the secret patients were kept. I visited a woman (who, in the dream, was my age, but really in her forties). Because she was slowly dying of an unknown disease, she was hooked up to a weird and gigantic machine. The machine was so big that the woman had to be kept in a ballroom-sized place that looked like something out of a comic book. As I was sympathizing with the woman and talking about the old days, one of my coworkers found his way into the room and saw a side of me that I, as House, had never shown anyone before.

Then I transfered over to a different dream. I was in a dim blue cave. In this cave was a beautifully lit city built into the rock Though the city was enormous, there were not many inhabitants. In fact, there were some cartoon children, the Cat in the Hat, and a few other people my age. I, however, was not a part of the town, for I was there only to investigate a mystery. I still don't know what the mystery was exactly, but I was looking for clues the entire time.

Throughout this part of the dream, I solved three Sudoku puzzles that were carved into stone. I also found odd shards of paper that made very little sense, but were obviously clues of some sort. I even interrogated the Cat in the Hat in side a dark stone closet, though that did not produce any leads.

I eventually woke up without figuring out the mystery (or figuring out what I was supposed to be figuring out). The last thing I remember was following the cartoon kids to some secret play place.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dream #201 (May 3, 2010)


In my dream, Kevin Chupp and I were substitute teaching at a very artistic school in a castle.

When we first walked into the classroom, the kids looked at us as if we were complete morons. It probably was caused by a mixture of their skepticism of Kevin's beard and the clothes we were wearing (athletic shorts and t-shirts). When we tried to take attendance, we were laughed at. Furthermore, some of the kids got up out of their stone seats and ran around the room. One kid found his way up a curtain toward an open window with a 50-foot fall to the ground. Luckily Kevin pulled down the curtain, bringing the child safe to the floor.

After a while, we finally settle the class down enough to begin teaching the lesson. It was all about how painting is a brain stimulation that all kids should practice. After the lesson was over, we, following the instructions left us by the teacher we were replacing, pulled out a bunch of toys and allowed the kids to play for the remainder of the school day.

After we were finished, Kevin and I parted, and I returned to my apartment, which looked a lot like my grandfather's kitchen and dining room. I took off my shirt (something I only do before bed and before swimming) and reclined in the hard wood dining room chair.

Then I awoke.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dream #200 (May 3, 2010)

200 is finally here.

I began last night's dream in my house. I was a little relaxed in the morning when I awoke (in my dream) because I did not have to go to school until 11:00 a.m. Apparently I was back in high school (though, in my dream, I knew that I had already finished college), but I had the mornings off. So, because I had some extra time, I went over to my neighbor's house and shot around on their little basketball court. When I grew bored of that, I went into my garage and got out my bicycle (the junky one with the basket zip-tied to the handlebars). After pumping up the tires, a young girl walked out of my house wearing a long shirt and pajama pants. After seeing her I recognized her to be my sister that my parents had adopted while I was in college (in reality I have no sisters, biological or adopted). She was holding a black teddy bear and a box of tissues.

I asked her if her illness was the reason that she was not in school. She gave me a nonverbal 'yes,' then walked back inside.

After feeling sorry for her for a few moments, I jumped on my bike and rode around in my driveway. I did this for a very long time, for when I looked at my watch (I never wear a watch in real life), it read 11:15. I was devastated (I hate being late for things; in my dream I even had the feeling that a horrible and irreversible damage had been done to my life). I darted into the house, awakening my sister (which caused her to wail). Ignoring her, I gathered my backpack, books, gym clothes, pens, and paper, and tried to head out the door. Just as I was ready to leave, my father walked in and asked me to help him bring in groceries (usually it is my mother who does the shopping). I obeyed him, then left for school, extremely flustered.

I walked pasted what seemed like miles of red lockers until I reached mine, which was aqua blue and different from all the rest. I shoved all my possessions into it and ran into the class that I was supposed to have been in for almost an hour. It was yearbook class, so it probably was not as big a deal as I had made it out to be.

The teacher (Ms. Bolze, whom I never had, but who is still at Oregon-Davis) was sitting in front of the class, explaining to them how awful a person I was for being late.

Then I awoke. I had nothing to do this morning, so all the sense of urgency was built up inside of me for no reason.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dream #199 (May 2, 2010)

I hope dream #200 will be much more outstanding than this one.

I was on the Bethel College campus last night (in my dream). It was midday, and the sun was shining. That is all I remember about the dream, other than some part where I climbed to the top of the academic center (which really didn't take up much time in the dream, as far as I know).


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dream #198 (May 1, 2010)

Still short. This one isn't very good. Is my subconscious becoming less creative? Is it finally running out of material? Or is the well eternal?

I dreamed that I was in my bedroom. It was daytime, and I was standing on my fake wood floors, looking out my door at a celebration going on outside of my room. However, I did not exit and join in the fun. I missed out on the hors d'oeuvres (tiny sausages, which I enjoy eating) and carrots (which have lately become a favorite snack of mine). Many of my friends were outside, including Ben and Jen Smith, my older brother (Matt), Katelyn Presnell, my mother, Nathan Ferch (my neighbor), and my father.

I tried to listen in on conversations, but I could not hear much.

I eventually awoke, disappointed.