Friday, February 25, 2011

Dream #336 (February 23, 2010)

This kept me interested throughout the night.

I dreamt that I was a detective that was a part of a league of detectives. I began the dream in a large city in the evening. I was walking with about five other detectives down the road. Crazy things were happening in the background; tanks were casually driving by, cars were zooming at speeds of up to 200 mph (approximately; I don't know for sure), and though there were a bunch of stoplights on the road, there were no intersections.

The team of detectives finally reached an apartment complex where we were investigating the murder of a middle age business man. We all split up and began a contest to see who could be the first to find the culprit and enough sustainable evidence against that person to convict that person in court. I picked the room of a young woman (about my age) to start with as the others laughed at my move (they all hypothesized that the murderer had to be a strong male, for the guy's skull was crushed).

When I entered this young woman's room, I didn't act at all like an investigator. Instead, I acted as if I entered her room unintentionally. I then made as if I was about to leave, but the woman insisted I stay a while. I had tricked her.

We began talking, and at some point I mentioned that I liked the music of Howlin' Wolf and Son House, and she proceeded to show me her outstanding collection of blues records. I was impressed, but I used the opportunity to snoop around her entertainment center for evidence of the deceased man's presence. To my surprise, I discovered a tie behind the record player.

Then the woman offered to make me dinner. I accepted, and she entered the kitchen and began to prepare it. As she did so, I looked under her bed (there were two beds right by the entrance to the apartment) and discovered a stack of business papers with the guy's name on it. I had struck gold. I slid the papers into a place where I could find them with ease later. Suddenly, as I went back to the dining room table. Four of the other detectives burst into the room and began searching. They were not careful, and they turned over everything that could be turned over. To appease the young woman, I stood up and demanded that the detectives say why they were there (I acted as if I had never met them, and luckily they caught on to what I was doing).

They expressed that they were looking for people who knew the deceased businessman, and I told them they had the wrong place. They soon left.

This increased the woman's trust in me, and we had a nice dinner together (she made omelets, which were quite tasty). I actually had a good time, and I started feeling a bit guilty about misleading her, but then I remembered that she was most likely a murderer.

Then the night came, and she told me to stay with her that night. I knew it would not be a good idea, but I though if I did stay, I could slip out with the evidence while she slept so that I didn't have to have the awkward revealing of my true identity.

In case you were wondering, we slept in separate beds (kind of like in an old sitcom), which was definitely what I preferred at the time. She seemed as if she had a childlike innocence about her, and I wondered if my hypothesis was incorrect, or if she was just insane.

That night, when I assumed the young woman was asleep, I got up and gathered the evidence I had found. When I lifted my head from under the bed, I was confronted by the woman as she stood before me. She had caught me, and I didn't know how to explain myself. It was then that I realized that the woman was Jessica Smith (an old friend and former Bethel classmate, but, in the dream, she didn't recognize me). She smiled at me, then lifted up a knife that she must have had in her bed with her.

I kicked her, causing her to fall on her back, then I ran out of the room.

Then I awoke. Dreams like that are so fun.

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