Friday, February 11, 2011

Dream #328 (February 11, 2010)

A dream.

In the beginning of my dream I was working with Dave Schwenk, getting GPS shots of various points along miles of a long ditch in the snow (which is what I've been doing all week in real life). The ditch was in the middle of a great and endless field. The snow was falling heavy upon us as we trudged through drifts that reached up to my waist.

After a long journey, we reached my car. There I parted with Dave and drove to an abandoned parking lot, where I met up with Brent Thomas and my little brother Mike Baughman (I'm putting his last name for the sake of google searching). They both got into my car after putting some large bags in the trunk.

We were headed to Sleeping Bear Dunes in northern Michigan, which is about 5 hours away, but was 16 hours away in the dream. About six hours into the trip, I realized that I was really tired and that I would never make it all the way there without stopping. I remember, in the dream, realizing that I couldn't make it there in a single day, for I had already put in a full day of work. So, when we reached a sizable city, we stopped at a 18th century-style building that was a hotel/nightclub. Mike said he wasn't comfortable going into the nightclub, so he went up to the upper floor, which is where our recently checked out room was located.

Brent and I went down a dark and narrow flight of stairs where there was some major clubbing going on. People were dancing all around carelessly. Then Brent (who didn't look like himself; he actually looked more like another acquaintance of mine) began trying to get people to accept him so that he could fit in with the partying fools. He went up to the fountain drink machine, payed for a cup of Mountain Dew, then got seven water cups and filled those up with water. "Drinks all around!" People began to flock around Brent. When they realized he was only giving them water, they were actually amused. They all took it, laughing, and patting him on the back.

I was getting tired of the club scene, so I grabbed Brent, told him we needed some rest, then dragged him up the stairs to the car. Then I realized that the club people had been playing us. A whole bunch of dudes with face masks were standing around my car, busting the windows, prying open the trunk, and looting anything they could get their hands on.

I was furious, so I ran to a nearby tree, snagged a weighty branch and smashed a nearby thug on the skull. Then Brent and I went insane. We fought off dozens of thugs in masks as if we were superhuman beings. We were leaping off cars, flipping, spinning, bicycle kicking, and throwing guys with ease. When we had beaten or scared away each of the thugs, We decided to get some rest. We walked up to the hotel room (which had white walls, white carpet, no windows, white bedsheets, and white everything; it was quite blinding) and met Mike there, who was reading a book. He looked up and greeted us as if he had always lived there.

Then I awoke.

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