Monday, February 7, 2011

Dream #326 (February 5, 2010)

I think there was more to this dream, but I can't remember it (being a couple days removed from it).

I was living in the city with the parent's of a friend of mine. I didn't know these people, so I kept to myself. My room was their garage, and I had my clothes (which were kept in a luggage bag), my iMac computer, and all my DVDs in a pretty small space.

A little while into the dream, I got a call on my cell phone from Brent Thomas, who told me that I was to move out of the house that night (it was in the middle of the night in the dream).

I gathered my things and went outside. By the time I got there, a black sports car (which turned red by the end of the dream) was there waiting for me. Without checking with the driver, I walked to the back of the car and managed to open the trunk and place most of my things in there. I then, oddly enough, decided to put all my DVDs in a see-through shelf, so I pulled all of them out of my binder, put them in their boxes, and then crammed them into this glass and transparent plastic shelf. This was taking longer than I had expected and, because the car had been running the whole time, the driver walked out to see what I was doing. I then found out that Joanna Suter was the driver and, fortunately, was patient with me. I looked into the tinted side window and saw Jason sitting in the passenger seat, smiling at nobody.

Then I awoke.

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