Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dream #335 (February 22, 2010)

Now I'm back up to the present.

I was in some sort of video game (though it felt real all the while). I was a military man in a giant battle against monsters and opposing humans in a rocky desert. There were tanks and militia everywhere, and, judging by my health meter, I was almost out of life.

I saw a troop coming toward me, so I set up some trigger explosives and hid behind a broken-down tank. I covered my ears as they approached, for there was going to be an explosion. Then I realized that I might not have enough life left in my health meter to even withstand the loud noise and shock I would feel from my own explosives.

I was nearly right, but luckily, I had a life in reserve that I had forgotten about. After successfully blowing up most of my enemies, I ran to a nearby abandoned fort and found a health pack there (which contained a light blue liquid that I drank, which put my meter back up all the way).

Then everything became less like a video game and more like a regular dream.

I ran as fast as I could from the battle until I found a jeep that I planned on using to escape the war.

Unfortunately, there were two large fuzzy monsters (one blue and one purple, resembling something one would find on Sesame Street, except much angrier) guarding the vehicle who took me hostage.

After sitting down with one monster on either side of me, I began to realize that these giant creatures, though they were scary, were quite dumb. I then ran to the edge of the cliff that the jeep rested on and acted like I was going to jump off. They didn't even move, but allowed me to what I wanted, saying "He could have killed himself." So, I ran in the other direction (which was an ever-extending desert). I was already far ahead of them before either of them stood up. I hear one say "what is he going to find out there? He is our prisoner." They didn't pursue me.

Then I entered a bizarre dream (not that the other one wasn't) that had a much different feel than most of my dreams.

I was recording a radio program from a house. I had a ridiculous radio voice. As I read off some commercials, other images began to overlay atop the image of me in front of a microphone. I saw classic cars, a basketball game, a large industry, thousands of people, and more. Eventually, the images became so clustered that I couldn't make out what any of them were.

I awoke this morning earlier than I had anticipated.

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