Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dream #332 (February 16, 2010)

I'm sorry for the delay.

I dreamt that I was in some sort of climactic battle, like one that would take place at the end of an action movie. I was with a Puerto Rican man in the front yard of a mansion. Armed guards were running about searching for us, but we kept hidden in the shadows (which was difficult, for there were many searchlights that were scanning the yard as well). Cannons were firing blindly toward us, and there were many close calls. A cannonball once hit the tree that we were hidden behind, but we managed to dodge it and to slide past the outer wall of the yard.

Somehow the two of us made it to the backyard, where we could see an open entrance to the mansion. The Puerto Rican said he would distract the guards whilst I snuck into the mansion. I knew that being a 'distraction' would probably result in the end of his life, so I said goodbye to him.

Then, oddly enough, I entered into the mind of the Puerto Rican and became him for the rest of the dream. I ran to a large pipe, out of which all of the guards seemed to be coming from. I was armed only with a small handgun, while my adversaries all had much larger and more sophisticated weapons. I threw a pebble into the tube, which reverberated for several seconds, causing several guards to rush out to see what had caused it. One by one, I shot them down, managing to stay alive.

The guards were on to me at this point, so I ran to another part of the yard as I continued to shoot down more guards. I noticed my former self turn to watch me right before he entered the mansion. He must have been surprised at how well I was doing.

Then I awoke.

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