Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dream #331 (February 15, 2010)

I continue to dream.

I began my dream at Dan Jeter's house in Virginia Beach, VA. It was quite different from his real house, for it was on the beach and it had many more windows (and looked more like a beach house). It was a bright day, and the view of the ocean was astonishing. It was Sunday morning, and the entire household was preparing for church. In the dream, Dan had two younger sisters (in real life, he only has one older sister), and he and his parents were present as well, and they all looked quite nicely dressed. I, however, was wearing nothing but my blue and yellow boxers. For some reason, I thought that this was appropriate dress, but I was informed otherwise by Dan's sisters. They chased me upstairs and began to spin me around as they yelled at me and shouted insults at me.

Then I decided to go back to Indiana, so I got on the computer (an iMac like mine) and booked a flight to South Bend. The trip happened in a flash and I was taking a shower in my parents' house. When I finished, I ran out of the bathroom naked, using my hands to cover my indecency in case there were any people in view of any given window in the house. I ran into the hallway where the towels are kept, grabbed one, and began to dry off. Then I realized I needed to be back in Virginia so, in another flash, I returned to Dan's house.

I flashed forward in time yet again, and I was in a dark, underground Italian restaurant. I was sitting with Dan and his extended family, and we were all eating various forms of pasta. Soon into the meal, Dan's family (who, in the dream, were quite prestigious in the mob; oh, they were Italian as well; I'm sorry for stereotyping) began asking me questions about who I was and if I was of any importance to the world. They actually wanted me to be a part of the mob, and they were seeing if I would be worth their efforts.

I then told them to look on the pictures of the wall near our table. There were several photographs of me several years before with the owners of the restaurant (who were big-time mobsters). I informed them that I used to be an errand boy for them, and that I gradually moved up to 'restaurant' manager (which included more violent duties). They were impressed with my resume, so they began complimenting me on my history; some of the white-haired relatives of Dan even got up and patted me on the back.

Then I jumped time and space.

I was inside of a little coffee shop/college classroom (it was an interesting combination). I was supposed to play a musical set there and, afterwards, give a lecture on film and music (which I might actually enjoy doing). After the opening act finished (some guy playing an acoustic guitar singing emotional songs), I got walked up to the mic. Now, in the dream I knew that I had not planned anything for this event, so I began making it all up. I knew that all the customers/students had received harmonicas when they walked in, so I decided to experiment with having the audience play along with me (which would be a learning experience for them as well). Unfortunately, all the harmonicas were in different keys, which would not allow for them to be played together.

I became flustered, so I just started playing guitar and singing an emotional song.

Then I awoke.

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