Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dream #327 (February 10, 2010)

I'm sorry for the long break. I'm very busy. And it's cold outside.

The first part of the dream took place in a river that ran through a cave. Though there was no sunlight, the cave was fairly well lit by a bluish light that reflected off of the surfaces of the stone walls and off the dark blue water.

I was leading a bunch of Prairie Camp kids down the river. I had my own raft with two kids on it, and each of the other kids were in groups of about five per raft. We were going along very rapidly for a long period of time and, when it was about 8:00 p.m. (I remember the time of day for some reason), I suggested we stop. However, the kids wanted to go on at a faster pace. I warned them that we would risk falling in the water with the rough turns ahead of us, but they didn't heed my advice.

Sure enough, the very next turn, which was quite sharp, caused my raft, then the rafts of all the other kids, to tip over, knocking all of us and all of our supplies into the water.

The current was not too strong, nor was the river too deep, and all the kids made it to shore safely. Most of the possessions were gathered, but I had quite a bit of trouble gathering the clean clothes that had fallen out of my laundry basket.

After I collected all of my shirts, pants, and underwear, I swam to the shore and started a fire so that we could stay warm. Somehow, none of my clothes (or any of the other possessions my group had brought along) were even slightly wet. I noticed this, but it didn't surprise me much in the dream, for I knew that the river was mystical.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was living in the Academic Center at Bethel College. The school was much larger and much prettier than it is in real life (there were beautiful gardens, huge trees, and more classrooms in my dream). As I was leaving my dorm room, I noticed how messy the room was. I blamed my roommates (who remain unknown to me). There were XBox games everywhere, jeans and jackets lying around here and there, and towels strewn about (I don't play video games very much, and I never wear jeans; the towels could have been mine I guess).

When I left the building, I had to walk down dozens of flights of metal stairs (which were located on the outside wall of the building; it was pretty cool). At the bottom, I ran into Bo and Amy Ennis, and I talked to them quite a bit about how their classes were going. I chatted too long, for I soon realized that I would be late to class.

I left Bo and Amy running, with no explanation, and arrived at the classroom quite quickly. The students there looked as if they belonged in the eighties. The teacher was wearing a brown blazer with a popped collar, and had some ridiculously shiny dress shoes on. He looked and sounded like a football player, and I had a difficult time taking him seriously as a college professor.

Soon the class was over, and I made my way across the unbelievably green grass to the cafeteria.

Then I awoke.

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