Monday, February 7, 2011

Dream #325 (February 4, 2010)

This was violent and, in a later dream, interesting.

The first part of the dream took place in farm country. Jason and Allyssa Suter and I were all very evil people. We had killed many, robbed from even more, and had vandalized random properties all over the land. During the dream, we ransacked a church, killed a few people in there with knives, then began destroying the place (I don't know where this violence comes from). Then I walked outside for a little fresh air. In a few moments, I noticed some furniture flying from the window of a loft in the church (it was an old white church that resembled a farm house). Couches, pews, lamps, and hymnals came flying from there. At one point an upright piano was even pushed out, which was when I noticed that it was Jason who was doing all of this.

I decided to assist him in the destruction by lighting the church on fire. We ran out and watched the place burn for a bit. Then, in a field nearby, we noticed a photographer snapping photos. Nervous that we would get caught, we chased after her.

It was then that I began feeling very guilty about my lifestyle choice. I was darkly evil, but I was beginning to see the light. I began misleading Jason and Allyssa, allowing the photographer to evade the three of us. After a long chase, Jason, Allyssa, and I camped in a pavilion with several picnic tables inside.

After waiting for Jason and Allyssa to fall asleep, I snuck away and tracked down the photographer, who was actually camping in another pavilion nearby. I asked her where she was from and what she was doing, hoping that she was going to expose my evil to the world that I may someday be clean of it. However, to my dismay and anger, I discovered that this photographer was no saint herself. She was actually taking pictures of the destruction so that she could learn from it and become a better destroyer of things. I was infuriated and my evil side took over again. I strangled the woman to death and smashed her camera. That was an intense moment that I never want to relive (I can't believe I was so murderous in the dream).

I finally switched to a different dream.

I was staying overnight with Kevin Chupp and Mike (my brother). In the dream they were rooming together in a dorm at Bethel college. This dorm room was bigger than most I have experienced. I had a bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and a shower room (that had about six showers in it).

As we were preparing for bed, Mrs. Awald (my former high school Biology teacher) walked in with some strongmen, who began a thorough search of the dorm room. As they were tearing the place apart, I asked Mrs. Awald why they were doing what they were doing, and she told me that they were removing any item that had a hint of the color orange on it because scientists had recently discovered that "orange causes cancer." That terrified me, for I love the color orange, and they were taking many valuable things from Kevin and Mike (including Kevin's guitar, some dinnerware, and many books, among other things). I walked out the back door of the apartment, which led outside, and found a great heap of orange items. My eyes were immediately drawn to a very nice speaker set that was most likely worth thousands of dollars. What a waste.

Then I awoke.

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