Monday, February 7, 2011

Dream #324 (February 3, 2010)

This was really long, but it's been a while, so I'll keep it brief.

Basically, I was in a musical. Well, I had a small part (I was a butler in a fancy house in this romance musical based in 1700s England). My main goal was to video record the parts of the musical I was not acting in (which was most of it). I would get right up on stage with my camera for close ups, all while wearing my outfit and, when the time came, I would run and set my camera backstage and enter at the appropriate time.

After rehearsal, I went to my grandfather's house (the musical was going on in Fort Wayne, Indiana, which is where my grandfather lives). My little brother and I were staying at his house (though, in the dream, the house was enormous compared to his real home). As we were preparing to sleep in the king-sized beds with daisy-colored comforters, we each ate a bowl of macaroni. We started horsing around and, before we could finish our food, we had spilled it all over the nice beds. My grandpa then kicked us out of his house (which he would never do in real life, at least, not for such a minor offense).

Mike and I split up. I don't know where he went, but I went into the city (which looked more like eighteenth century England than modern-day Fort Wayne) and moved into the actor housing (which was a wooden dorm with a bunch of bunk beds. I laid down on a bottom bunk (which is weird, for I always pick the top if I have the option), and was the only one in the room until Brad Marks and a woman friend of his walked in and sat down together in the bunk above me. They were quite chatty, and I didn't get much sleep.

The next day I went to a party that the other main actors were having. Lenny Walsh and Michelle (both Regent students) were hosting the party. Lenny pulled out a TV on a cart and played a kids movie. Then, as all the other actors were joking around, I began making some 'clever' remarks, which made all of the actors laugh. Before they hadn't even noticed me, but by the end of the party I was the star. I even dressed up in a giant black tube and danced around for the entertainment of my new friends.

I soon awoke after the tube dance.

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