Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dream #338 (February 26, 2010)

A two-part dream (though I slept very little last night).

I first dreamt that I was sitting with my brother Mike Baughman in front of my iMac teaching him how to edit video in Final Cut Pro. The source material that we were editing was all from my memories of that night before (these were real memories). I had gone to a hockey game (my first one ever) with Shana Beers, along with her cousin and uncle, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In the dream, I was looking back on what I had seen, pausing it, and making small edits to each frame, all as I described what I was doing to my brother. However, I was getting very frustrated, for the video was interlaced, and there were many glitches in the recording, so the interlaced lines were messing up the picture (I apologize for the video terms; I tried dumbing them down a bit, but I think I was unsuccessful).

One frame was of a goal I had witnessed the home team score. I was color correcting the jerseys to make them more saturated. Another part I edited was when I turned my attention from the game to the drunk guy sitting next to Shana (I wasn't very chivalrous and I made her sit on the outside). My attention in this shot was paid to the beer in the plastic cup. I was trying to make it the only saturated element in each frame.

As I was working on that shot, I switched dreams.

I was inside a large tent on the edge of a forest. I received a call from Carrie Badertscher on my phone and walked outside the tent. The stars were spectacular that night and were so bright they lit the field before me.

Carrie informed me that a car was going to pick me up. I then hung up the phone and, sure enough, a black limousine pulled up beside me. I hopped in and rode a few miles down a dirt road to a long hill with a neat line of trees at the top of the hill. I ran up that hill with a satchel I had found in the car and, from the satchel, pulled out a disc golf disc.

I threw a solid drive to the goal at the bottom of the hill. Suddenly, four other people appeared from behind me, also with discs: Norm Dial (youth pastor at Koontz Lake Missionary Church, where my dad pastors), his wife Tara, and my brothers Mike and Matt. They all threw off at the same time, and to my surprise, Tara had the greatest throw of all, coming short of the goal by only about twenty feet (it was a very long drive).

I ran to the bottom of the hill to retrieve my disc as Norm threw another one, which nearly hit me in the head.

Then I awoke very early in the morning (and I didn't fall back asleep; it was 3:45).

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dream #338 (February 25, 2010)

This is not a very exciting dream, but it is slightly interesting.

I dreamt that I was in my old blue bedroom (the bedroom I had as a child). My old white bunk bed was there, as were some of my old action figures (Batman and the Joker were there, of course). I was sitting on the floor with Carrie Badertscher, Amber Kreider, and Carrie's daughter Stella. The women were watching Teenage Mutatnt Ninja Turtles on a small television set (that resembled the old TV my family had when I was young), and Stellas was climbing onto my bed and jumping on my head. After performing that feat several times, she finally hurt herself by hitting her face on my shoulder. She became angry with me and said that I hurt her on purpose, then went crying to her mother (she's not normally like that). Then Carrie said it was time to go, so they all left me alone in the room.

It was nighttime anyway, so I decided to go to sleep. I climbed up to the top bunk and found my parents' dog Penny sleeping there. I thought it would be alright to let her sleep up there with me, but I was wrong. She kept drying to dig a hole in my back, and, for some reason, her tail would poke my legs and actually cause a sharp pain.

I put up with this for a long time.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was outside of a dark blue house standing in light blue snow in the middle of the night. Many people walked into the house looking as if they were ready for a big part, but I stayed outside.

I walked over to a large window and looked in on everybody having a good time while I stood outside in the cold.

Then I awoke.

Dream #337 (February 24, 2010)

A little dream for the great many people that read this blog (when I say great many, I mean three).

I dreamt that I was playing a nerdy Medieval card game with a group of friends in a carpeted outdoor living room (there was a carpet, chairs, a couch, and a couple of lamps, but there were no walls and no ceiling). Stan Marks (Bethel College friend) was running the game, and about five other people were playing as well (including David Smith, Ashley Miller, and my brother Mike, all of which are Bethel students). It was a complicated game, and were were all very into it.

I began getting board after what seemed like a couple hours of this game, so I decided to run around in the woods (which was only about a hundred feet away from the outdoor living room). I ran into the woods and saw a big black bear on the trail eating some purple berries. He was a friendly bear, and he even waved as I ran by him.

Then I ran into a country road and saw an old station wagon parked on the side of it. Two mobsters in pink and white pin stripe suits were beating an overweight man to death with a lead pipe. After killing him, they shoved him into the back seat of the station wagon (it was the kind where the seats face each other). They waved at me as I ran passed them, but I didn't wave back. I was too astonished by what I had just witnessed to do anything but run away.

I soon arrived back at the card game, and I didn't tell anybody anything that I had seen.

Then I awoke.

Dream #336 (February 23, 2010)

This kept me interested throughout the night.

I dreamt that I was a detective that was a part of a league of detectives. I began the dream in a large city in the evening. I was walking with about five other detectives down the road. Crazy things were happening in the background; tanks were casually driving by, cars were zooming at speeds of up to 200 mph (approximately; I don't know for sure), and though there were a bunch of stoplights on the road, there were no intersections.

The team of detectives finally reached an apartment complex where we were investigating the murder of a middle age business man. We all split up and began a contest to see who could be the first to find the culprit and enough sustainable evidence against that person to convict that person in court. I picked the room of a young woman (about my age) to start with as the others laughed at my move (they all hypothesized that the murderer had to be a strong male, for the guy's skull was crushed).

When I entered this young woman's room, I didn't act at all like an investigator. Instead, I acted as if I entered her room unintentionally. I then made as if I was about to leave, but the woman insisted I stay a while. I had tricked her.

We began talking, and at some point I mentioned that I liked the music of Howlin' Wolf and Son House, and she proceeded to show me her outstanding collection of blues records. I was impressed, but I used the opportunity to snoop around her entertainment center for evidence of the deceased man's presence. To my surprise, I discovered a tie behind the record player.

Then the woman offered to make me dinner. I accepted, and she entered the kitchen and began to prepare it. As she did so, I looked under her bed (there were two beds right by the entrance to the apartment) and discovered a stack of business papers with the guy's name on it. I had struck gold. I slid the papers into a place where I could find them with ease later. Suddenly, as I went back to the dining room table. Four of the other detectives burst into the room and began searching. They were not careful, and they turned over everything that could be turned over. To appease the young woman, I stood up and demanded that the detectives say why they were there (I acted as if I had never met them, and luckily they caught on to what I was doing).

They expressed that they were looking for people who knew the deceased businessman, and I told them they had the wrong place. They soon left.

This increased the woman's trust in me, and we had a nice dinner together (she made omelets, which were quite tasty). I actually had a good time, and I started feeling a bit guilty about misleading her, but then I remembered that she was most likely a murderer.

Then the night came, and she told me to stay with her that night. I knew it would not be a good idea, but I though if I did stay, I could slip out with the evidence while she slept so that I didn't have to have the awkward revealing of my true identity.

In case you were wondering, we slept in separate beds (kind of like in an old sitcom), which was definitely what I preferred at the time. She seemed as if she had a childlike innocence about her, and I wondered if my hypothesis was incorrect, or if she was just insane.

That night, when I assumed the young woman was asleep, I got up and gathered the evidence I had found. When I lifted my head from under the bed, I was confronted by the woman as she stood before me. She had caught me, and I didn't know how to explain myself. It was then that I realized that the woman was Jessica Smith (an old friend and former Bethel classmate, but, in the dream, she didn't recognize me). She smiled at me, then lifted up a knife that she must have had in her bed with her.

I kicked her, causing her to fall on her back, then I ran out of the room.

Then I awoke. Dreams like that are so fun.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dream #335 (February 22, 2010)

Now I'm back up to the present.

I was in some sort of video game (though it felt real all the while). I was a military man in a giant battle against monsters and opposing humans in a rocky desert. There were tanks and militia everywhere, and, judging by my health meter, I was almost out of life.

I saw a troop coming toward me, so I set up some trigger explosives and hid behind a broken-down tank. I covered my ears as they approached, for there was going to be an explosion. Then I realized that I might not have enough life left in my health meter to even withstand the loud noise and shock I would feel from my own explosives.

I was nearly right, but luckily, I had a life in reserve that I had forgotten about. After successfully blowing up most of my enemies, I ran to a nearby abandoned fort and found a health pack there (which contained a light blue liquid that I drank, which put my meter back up all the way).

Then everything became less like a video game and more like a regular dream.

I ran as fast as I could from the battle until I found a jeep that I planned on using to escape the war.

Unfortunately, there were two large fuzzy monsters (one blue and one purple, resembling something one would find on Sesame Street, except much angrier) guarding the vehicle who took me hostage.

After sitting down with one monster on either side of me, I began to realize that these giant creatures, though they were scary, were quite dumb. I then ran to the edge of the cliff that the jeep rested on and acted like I was going to jump off. They didn't even move, but allowed me to what I wanted, saying "He could have killed himself." So, I ran in the other direction (which was an ever-extending desert). I was already far ahead of them before either of them stood up. I hear one say "what is he going to find out there? He is our prisoner." They didn't pursue me.

Then I entered a bizarre dream (not that the other one wasn't) that had a much different feel than most of my dreams.

I was recording a radio program from a house. I had a ridiculous radio voice. As I read off some commercials, other images began to overlay atop the image of me in front of a microphone. I saw classic cars, a basketball game, a large industry, thousands of people, and more. Eventually, the images became so clustered that I couldn't make out what any of them were.

I awoke this morning earlier than I had anticipated.

Dream #334 (February 21, 2010)

Another dream.

I dreamt that I was again in my old high school (Oregon-Davis). I was part of some great treasure hunt that was taking place there. Now, in the dream, I had already graduated high school, but was visiting because I had been asked to help interpret an old map that Mr. Marsh (my former social sciences teacher) had discovered in the school. I was an expert treasure hunter, which is why they called me up.

I had assembled a team of people to search the school with me. I had a professional digger (who was basically a strongman with a shovel), and some extra helping hands (all of which were high school students at the time, and all of which I don't know in real life).

We began digging everywhere, tearing up the floors of the school. We dug in the hallway, in the cafeteria, in the math classroom, outside in front of the school, and near the flag pole. We never found anything.

I eventually woke up after a long night of digging.

Dream #333 (February 20, 2010)

I apologize for missing several dreams. Though I remembered them a couple days ago, I can not recall them anymore.

I started out the dream in my backyard. There was snow on the ground, and there was all kinds of playground equipment strewn about. There were jungle gyms, upside-down monkey bars, sideways slides, and more. Hundreds of kids were there playing on the junky equipment as and friend of mine (whom I do not know in real life) and I played tether-ball (which I actually have in my backyard).

Suddenly, a huge game of capture the flag/snowball fight began. Kids were running everywhere hitting each other with snowballs, trying to capture the flag, which happened to be the tether-ball pole. I decided to play some defense, so I hopped on a mound of snow that had formed around a semi-sphere of monkey bars and began pelting the kids with snowballs as they tried to steal the flag. We were all having great fun.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was inside of my old high school thinking of my future. While I did this, I followed a long line of students (who were all dressed in white from head to toe) that was being led by my former English teacher (Mrs. Flaugher). Deep down inside of me, I felt a strange feeling that she was leading us to our deaths.

Then I awoke.

Dream #332 (February 16, 2010)

I'm sorry for the delay.

I dreamt that I was in some sort of climactic battle, like one that would take place at the end of an action movie. I was with a Puerto Rican man in the front yard of a mansion. Armed guards were running about searching for us, but we kept hidden in the shadows (which was difficult, for there were many searchlights that were scanning the yard as well). Cannons were firing blindly toward us, and there were many close calls. A cannonball once hit the tree that we were hidden behind, but we managed to dodge it and to slide past the outer wall of the yard.

Somehow the two of us made it to the backyard, where we could see an open entrance to the mansion. The Puerto Rican said he would distract the guards whilst I snuck into the mansion. I knew that being a 'distraction' would probably result in the end of his life, so I said goodbye to him.

Then, oddly enough, I entered into the mind of the Puerto Rican and became him for the rest of the dream. I ran to a large pipe, out of which all of the guards seemed to be coming from. I was armed only with a small handgun, while my adversaries all had much larger and more sophisticated weapons. I threw a pebble into the tube, which reverberated for several seconds, causing several guards to rush out to see what had caused it. One by one, I shot them down, managing to stay alive.

The guards were on to me at this point, so I ran to another part of the yard as I continued to shoot down more guards. I noticed my former self turn to watch me right before he entered the mansion. He must have been surprised at how well I was doing.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dream #331 (February 15, 2010)

I continue to dream.

I began my dream at Dan Jeter's house in Virginia Beach, VA. It was quite different from his real house, for it was on the beach and it had many more windows (and looked more like a beach house). It was a bright day, and the view of the ocean was astonishing. It was Sunday morning, and the entire household was preparing for church. In the dream, Dan had two younger sisters (in real life, he only has one older sister), and he and his parents were present as well, and they all looked quite nicely dressed. I, however, was wearing nothing but my blue and yellow boxers. For some reason, I thought that this was appropriate dress, but I was informed otherwise by Dan's sisters. They chased me upstairs and began to spin me around as they yelled at me and shouted insults at me.

Then I decided to go back to Indiana, so I got on the computer (an iMac like mine) and booked a flight to South Bend. The trip happened in a flash and I was taking a shower in my parents' house. When I finished, I ran out of the bathroom naked, using my hands to cover my indecency in case there were any people in view of any given window in the house. I ran into the hallway where the towels are kept, grabbed one, and began to dry off. Then I realized I needed to be back in Virginia so, in another flash, I returned to Dan's house.

I flashed forward in time yet again, and I was in a dark, underground Italian restaurant. I was sitting with Dan and his extended family, and we were all eating various forms of pasta. Soon into the meal, Dan's family (who, in the dream, were quite prestigious in the mob; oh, they were Italian as well; I'm sorry for stereotyping) began asking me questions about who I was and if I was of any importance to the world. They actually wanted me to be a part of the mob, and they were seeing if I would be worth their efforts.

I then told them to look on the pictures of the wall near our table. There were several photographs of me several years before with the owners of the restaurant (who were big-time mobsters). I informed them that I used to be an errand boy for them, and that I gradually moved up to 'restaurant' manager (which included more violent duties). They were impressed with my resume, so they began complimenting me on my history; some of the white-haired relatives of Dan even got up and patted me on the back.

Then I jumped time and space.

I was inside of a little coffee shop/college classroom (it was an interesting combination). I was supposed to play a musical set there and, afterwards, give a lecture on film and music (which I might actually enjoy doing). After the opening act finished (some guy playing an acoustic guitar singing emotional songs), I got walked up to the mic. Now, in the dream I knew that I had not planned anything for this event, so I began making it all up. I knew that all the customers/students had received harmonicas when they walked in, so I decided to experiment with having the audience play along with me (which would be a learning experience for them as well). Unfortunately, all the harmonicas were in different keys, which would not allow for them to be played together.

I became flustered, so I just started playing guitar and singing an emotional song.

Then I awoke.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dream #330 (February 14, 2010)

This was odd.

I was going on a journey in this dream. In the dream I was none other than Bilbo Baggins. I was traveling with 13 dwarves and with Gandalf through a dark green mountainous region. The area was foggy, rocky, and dangerously slippery. Oddly enough, the texture of the rocks we were climbing resembled clay, for our feet would sink in a bit, and it was more malleable than stone.

After a long and quiet journey, I became separated from the group (the fog was thick, and I couldn't see where I was going). I became nervous, but I continued onward. Eventually I ran into a tall spire, around which was a staircase of clay. I climbed this staircase, hoping to find friendly people there (I should have known better). Before I got all the way up, I was snatched by two 10-foot-tall fish men who were wearing armor, each carrying a spear and a shield that matched their greenish purple scales. As the began to drag me up the spire, Gandalf burst onto the scene in a flash of light, and he struck down the two guards. "Follow me, though I don't know my way around these parts, for I have not been here for many ages."

I listened to him, but I quickly lost sight of him.

Then I took on an omniscient perspective in the dream and saw the great Gandalf get captured by the fish people. He was taken to the fish king, who ordered him to be imprisoned. They dragged him into a small cell.

Many days passed. Then the guards cut Gandalf's beard and hair, leaving him with a buzz cut of short black hair (he looked like a thirty-five-year-old man rather than an age-old wizard). He was taken before the fish king once again. There Bilbo, who had snuck into the fish king's throne room by use of his magic ring, created a clamor and a distraction, which gave Gandalf time to break free from his chains. He was able to escape with Bilbo, and he rejoined the group of dwarves on their journey.

Then I awoke.

Dream #329 (February 12, 2010)

A crazy, movie-like dream.

I began the dream driving in my car late at night. I was tired (for it was 2 a.m.), so I stopped in a fairly small city to sleep (the part I parked in looked similar to Walkerton, Indiana, but the city in my dream was significantly larger).

When I got out of my car (I had parallel parked), I noticed that, other than the other parked cars and buildings, the background was pitch black, and there was no life. I walked about a block and noticed a man with a visor riding around in a moped, stopping at parked cars, and leaving notes on the windshield. He came up to a car a few in front of mine, and I asked him if he was a cop. He said he was not, but he was an officer of the city who had to ride around and leave "parking suggestions" on cars that were not parked properly. He said he couldn't give out "real parking tickets," but he could work to improve people's parking.

As I left the man to his business and walked further into the dark city, I heard the parking officer shout to me, saying that I should not go into the city on that night, for he had sensed a bad omen. I thought the city looked peaceful enough, so I did not heed his advice.

After about a mile of walking, I came upon what the parking guy had warned me about. There were two great groups of teens standing on opposite sides of the middle line of the city (both groups were standing on the main street of the city, facing each other). One group was wearing all white shirts, and the other was wearing all black shirts. Nobody was speaking; there was only staring.

After I watched the stare-off for a while, I asked one of the guys in the back of the crowd of white-shirts what was going on (he looked like a guy who didn't want to be involved). He informed me that the first gang war of the city was about to take place. He feared that it would be violent, and would result in a lot of death, so he was hoping the anger would subside, but he was doubtful. About a minute after he told me this, the fighting broke out.

I was in the middle of it all. Knives were being thrown, baseball bats were being swung, and guns were being fired. I saw blood pouring down the streets, and I feared for my own life, so I ran into a nearby dentists office. Unfortunately, the violence had spread, and I witnessed a black-shirt stab a white-shirt to death, only to be smashed in the face by a baseball bat when he had finished his killing.

I ran out of that building to a nearby office, which was also overtaken by the violence. There was no escape anywhere I went, so I just continued to run to avoid being struck down.

After a lot of running about, the fighting suddenly turned into a stalemate. Everyone involved took shelter in various offices and houses throughout the city, waiting for a signal that would tell them if they were going to fight again or put an end to it.

I continued to run for a while, hoping to escape the violence altogether. However, the small green house I entered wasn't empty (why did I expect it to be?). There was a 30-year-old man in there, a detective, and he was interrogating one white-shirt and one black-shirt. He saw me, and noticed I wore no colors, so he asked me what I was doing. I told him my story, so he told me his. They guy had discovered that all the fighting was over a giant load of cocaine, and he was getting some new information from a couple of thugs he had brought in.

I then went to the kitchen to find a snack. After grabbing a box of crackers, I walked back out, and, to my surprise, I saw two women F.B.I. agents (who happened to be lesbians) searching the place up and down. They found the detective and the two suspects he was interrogating and arrested all of them, not believing even the badge of the detective. I felt bad for him, but I knew I could get caught, so I hid under a kitchen cabinet. Somehow, as the lesbian agents searched through the house for cocaine and other incriminating evidence, they didn't manage to find me.

As they were leaving, I awoke.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dream #328 (February 11, 2010)

A dream.

In the beginning of my dream I was working with Dave Schwenk, getting GPS shots of various points along miles of a long ditch in the snow (which is what I've been doing all week in real life). The ditch was in the middle of a great and endless field. The snow was falling heavy upon us as we trudged through drifts that reached up to my waist.

After a long journey, we reached my car. There I parted with Dave and drove to an abandoned parking lot, where I met up with Brent Thomas and my little brother Mike Baughman (I'm putting his last name for the sake of google searching). They both got into my car after putting some large bags in the trunk.

We were headed to Sleeping Bear Dunes in northern Michigan, which is about 5 hours away, but was 16 hours away in the dream. About six hours into the trip, I realized that I was really tired and that I would never make it all the way there without stopping. I remember, in the dream, realizing that I couldn't make it there in a single day, for I had already put in a full day of work. So, when we reached a sizable city, we stopped at a 18th century-style building that was a hotel/nightclub. Mike said he wasn't comfortable going into the nightclub, so he went up to the upper floor, which is where our recently checked out room was located.

Brent and I went down a dark and narrow flight of stairs where there was some major clubbing going on. People were dancing all around carelessly. Then Brent (who didn't look like himself; he actually looked more like another acquaintance of mine) began trying to get people to accept him so that he could fit in with the partying fools. He went up to the fountain drink machine, payed for a cup of Mountain Dew, then got seven water cups and filled those up with water. "Drinks all around!" People began to flock around Brent. When they realized he was only giving them water, they were actually amused. They all took it, laughing, and patting him on the back.

I was getting tired of the club scene, so I grabbed Brent, told him we needed some rest, then dragged him up the stairs to the car. Then I realized that the club people had been playing us. A whole bunch of dudes with face masks were standing around my car, busting the windows, prying open the trunk, and looting anything they could get their hands on.

I was furious, so I ran to a nearby tree, snagged a weighty branch and smashed a nearby thug on the skull. Then Brent and I went insane. We fought off dozens of thugs in masks as if we were superhuman beings. We were leaping off cars, flipping, spinning, bicycle kicking, and throwing guys with ease. When we had beaten or scared away each of the thugs, We decided to get some rest. We walked up to the hotel room (which had white walls, white carpet, no windows, white bedsheets, and white everything; it was quite blinding) and met Mike there, who was reading a book. He looked up and greeted us as if he had always lived there.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dream #327 (February 10, 2010)

I'm sorry for the long break. I'm very busy. And it's cold outside.

The first part of the dream took place in a river that ran through a cave. Though there was no sunlight, the cave was fairly well lit by a bluish light that reflected off of the surfaces of the stone walls and off the dark blue water.

I was leading a bunch of Prairie Camp kids down the river. I had my own raft with two kids on it, and each of the other kids were in groups of about five per raft. We were going along very rapidly for a long period of time and, when it was about 8:00 p.m. (I remember the time of day for some reason), I suggested we stop. However, the kids wanted to go on at a faster pace. I warned them that we would risk falling in the water with the rough turns ahead of us, but they didn't heed my advice.

Sure enough, the very next turn, which was quite sharp, caused my raft, then the rafts of all the other kids, to tip over, knocking all of us and all of our supplies into the water.

The current was not too strong, nor was the river too deep, and all the kids made it to shore safely. Most of the possessions were gathered, but I had quite a bit of trouble gathering the clean clothes that had fallen out of my laundry basket.

After I collected all of my shirts, pants, and underwear, I swam to the shore and started a fire so that we could stay warm. Somehow, none of my clothes (or any of the other possessions my group had brought along) were even slightly wet. I noticed this, but it didn't surprise me much in the dream, for I knew that the river was mystical.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was living in the Academic Center at Bethel College. The school was much larger and much prettier than it is in real life (there were beautiful gardens, huge trees, and more classrooms in my dream). As I was leaving my dorm room, I noticed how messy the room was. I blamed my roommates (who remain unknown to me). There were XBox games everywhere, jeans and jackets lying around here and there, and towels strewn about (I don't play video games very much, and I never wear jeans; the towels could have been mine I guess).

When I left the building, I had to walk down dozens of flights of metal stairs (which were located on the outside wall of the building; it was pretty cool). At the bottom, I ran into Bo and Amy Ennis, and I talked to them quite a bit about how their classes were going. I chatted too long, for I soon realized that I would be late to class.

I left Bo and Amy running, with no explanation, and arrived at the classroom quite quickly. The students there looked as if they belonged in the eighties. The teacher was wearing a brown blazer with a popped collar, and had some ridiculously shiny dress shoes on. He looked and sounded like a football player, and I had a difficult time taking him seriously as a college professor.

Soon the class was over, and I made my way across the unbelievably green grass to the cafeteria.

Then I awoke.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dream #326 (February 5, 2010)

I think there was more to this dream, but I can't remember it (being a couple days removed from it).

I was living in the city with the parent's of a friend of mine. I didn't know these people, so I kept to myself. My room was their garage, and I had my clothes (which were kept in a luggage bag), my iMac computer, and all my DVDs in a pretty small space.

A little while into the dream, I got a call on my cell phone from Brent Thomas, who told me that I was to move out of the house that night (it was in the middle of the night in the dream).

I gathered my things and went outside. By the time I got there, a black sports car (which turned red by the end of the dream) was there waiting for me. Without checking with the driver, I walked to the back of the car and managed to open the trunk and place most of my things in there. I then, oddly enough, decided to put all my DVDs in a see-through shelf, so I pulled all of them out of my binder, put them in their boxes, and then crammed them into this glass and transparent plastic shelf. This was taking longer than I had expected and, because the car had been running the whole time, the driver walked out to see what I was doing. I then found out that Joanna Suter was the driver and, fortunately, was patient with me. I looked into the tinted side window and saw Jason sitting in the passenger seat, smiling at nobody.

Then I awoke.

Dream #325 (February 4, 2010)

This was violent and, in a later dream, interesting.

The first part of the dream took place in farm country. Jason and Allyssa Suter and I were all very evil people. We had killed many, robbed from even more, and had vandalized random properties all over the land. During the dream, we ransacked a church, killed a few people in there with knives, then began destroying the place (I don't know where this violence comes from). Then I walked outside for a little fresh air. In a few moments, I noticed some furniture flying from the window of a loft in the church (it was an old white church that resembled a farm house). Couches, pews, lamps, and hymnals came flying from there. At one point an upright piano was even pushed out, which was when I noticed that it was Jason who was doing all of this.

I decided to assist him in the destruction by lighting the church on fire. We ran out and watched the place burn for a bit. Then, in a field nearby, we noticed a photographer snapping photos. Nervous that we would get caught, we chased after her.

It was then that I began feeling very guilty about my lifestyle choice. I was darkly evil, but I was beginning to see the light. I began misleading Jason and Allyssa, allowing the photographer to evade the three of us. After a long chase, Jason, Allyssa, and I camped in a pavilion with several picnic tables inside.

After waiting for Jason and Allyssa to fall asleep, I snuck away and tracked down the photographer, who was actually camping in another pavilion nearby. I asked her where she was from and what she was doing, hoping that she was going to expose my evil to the world that I may someday be clean of it. However, to my dismay and anger, I discovered that this photographer was no saint herself. She was actually taking pictures of the destruction so that she could learn from it and become a better destroyer of things. I was infuriated and my evil side took over again. I strangled the woman to death and smashed her camera. That was an intense moment that I never want to relive (I can't believe I was so murderous in the dream).

I finally switched to a different dream.

I was staying overnight with Kevin Chupp and Mike (my brother). In the dream they were rooming together in a dorm at Bethel college. This dorm room was bigger than most I have experienced. I had a bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and a shower room (that had about six showers in it).

As we were preparing for bed, Mrs. Awald (my former high school Biology teacher) walked in with some strongmen, who began a thorough search of the dorm room. As they were tearing the place apart, I asked Mrs. Awald why they were doing what they were doing, and she told me that they were removing any item that had a hint of the color orange on it because scientists had recently discovered that "orange causes cancer." That terrified me, for I love the color orange, and they were taking many valuable things from Kevin and Mike (including Kevin's guitar, some dinnerware, and many books, among other things). I walked out the back door of the apartment, which led outside, and found a great heap of orange items. My eyes were immediately drawn to a very nice speaker set that was most likely worth thousands of dollars. What a waste.

Then I awoke.

Dream #324 (February 3, 2010)

This was really long, but it's been a while, so I'll keep it brief.

Basically, I was in a musical. Well, I had a small part (I was a butler in a fancy house in this romance musical based in 1700s England). My main goal was to video record the parts of the musical I was not acting in (which was most of it). I would get right up on stage with my camera for close ups, all while wearing my outfit and, when the time came, I would run and set my camera backstage and enter at the appropriate time.

After rehearsal, I went to my grandfather's house (the musical was going on in Fort Wayne, Indiana, which is where my grandfather lives). My little brother and I were staying at his house (though, in the dream, the house was enormous compared to his real home). As we were preparing to sleep in the king-sized beds with daisy-colored comforters, we each ate a bowl of macaroni. We started horsing around and, before we could finish our food, we had spilled it all over the nice beds. My grandpa then kicked us out of his house (which he would never do in real life, at least, not for such a minor offense).

Mike and I split up. I don't know where he went, but I went into the city (which looked more like eighteenth century England than modern-day Fort Wayne) and moved into the actor housing (which was a wooden dorm with a bunch of bunk beds. I laid down on a bottom bunk (which is weird, for I always pick the top if I have the option), and was the only one in the room until Brad Marks and a woman friend of his walked in and sat down together in the bunk above me. They were quite chatty, and I didn't get much sleep.

The next day I went to a party that the other main actors were having. Lenny Walsh and Michelle (both Regent students) were hosting the party. Lenny pulled out a TV on a cart and played a kids movie. Then, as all the other actors were joking around, I began making some 'clever' remarks, which made all of the actors laugh. Before they hadn't even noticed me, but by the end of the party I was the star. I even dressed up in a giant black tube and danced around for the entertainment of my new friends.

I soon awoke after the tube dance.