Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dream #383 (April 26, 2011)

Here is a dream.

I first dreamt that Jon Andrew Castleberry and I were in a city made of rusted materials. I had my Canon 60D with my, and I was photographing the buildings around me. As I said earlier, everything was rusty, including the ground below me.

We walked around several cement buildings, through some metal alleyways, and down several flights of steps that led nowhere. I was taking pictures all the while.

Eventually, I jumped forward in time. Jon Andrew and I were at some special banquet that was held to honor various artists. Several awards were being presented, so everybody was dressed in their finest clothes.

When the award for "best piece of art" was announce, our names were called for a three-dimensional piece created with the pictures of the rusted city. Everyone stood and began cheering. They even lifted us up. Jon Andrew and I looked at each other in disbelief. We both thought our piece of art was a joke, and that it didn't deserve any attention, for we had made it to mock art.

Then I entered a different dream.

I was studying in a college library, though I wasn't a student there. I managed to log onto one of the computers, even though I didn't have an ID. The computers in this library were all very old and only could display green text. Still, I was using it to research something. I had several larger-than life books about me (they were 5' x 3'), and they contained maps of various islands.

As I was working, Emily de Araujo and Katie Zook walked by right when I looked up from my research. I waved at them and they came and talked with me about the college. About a minute into the conversation, a huge brute walked in the library, pointed at me, and contorted his face, expressing what appeared to be anger. He marched over to me and picked me up and carried me into the grassy area outside the library.

Then I switched to yet another dream.

I was at Prairie Camp running a large group game with Kevin Chupp and Asa Ennis. The game, which involved about 100 kids, was a giant version of Sudoku. The kids would take turns picking up numbers and placing them where they thought they belonged. I don't know why I thought this game would work; the kids had a very difficult time. At one point, they had three 6's in a single row.

Carrie walked up and ended the game, informing everyone that it was time for water games. Everyone went back to their dorms to change into clothes that could get wet, except for me. I decided just to take off all my clothes to save time so that I could set up the game.

-I hate when I'm naked in my dreams. I feel so uncomfortable, and there's no escape. I never think to just go put clothes on.-

When the kids got back out, I realized that I should not be unclothed in front of them, so I hid behind Kevin while I explained the game. They somehow didn't seem to notice.

When I finished explaining the activity (which was merely a slip n' slide), I found a towel on the ground and threw it around my waist. One of the campers walked up to me after sliding down the slip n' slide and asked me if I was wearing a swimming suit. I avoided answering the question.

When the activity was over, I ran into the Retreat Center and put my clothes back on. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of gangsters hanging out with the campers.

Then I awoke.

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