Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dream #371 (April 6, 2011)

I'm sorry for the great delay in my dreams. It's been over a week since my last update. Here's one that I never had the chance to blog from last week.

I was inside of a Goodwill store with Jon Andrew Castleberry and Dan Jeter (friends from Virginia Beach). We walked to the used VHS section and snuck into a secret closet behind an aisle there. Inside the tights space we had a meeting at a little square table in the center of four walls of bookshelves. Above us was a single tungsten light bulb.

We began discussing Chapter 0 together (a stop-motion film we were working on at the time). After a bit of this, I decided to take a quick walk around the store. I walked out of the small closet and saw a bunch of people that I recognized; however, nobody recognized me due to my beard (this is the first dream in which I had a beard, and it was much longer that it is in real life). I saw several people I have worked with over the years (Kathy Ryman, Donna from St. Mark, and many of my parents' older friends). Finally, a guy who looked like Dave Garcia, but whom I recognized in the dream as a man from a previous dream I had dreamt, knew who I was and shook my hand.

Then I went and looked at the Apple Trailers posters that were on display. I could actually watch the entire trailer on the wall of the store. The first one I watched was for Winnie The Pooh. It looked like a fun movie. Then I saw a bunch of science fiction films. I chose one and began to watch it. I was immediately sucked into it.

I was in the movie trailer, though I thought it was real at the time.

I was a spaceman, a lovable rogue. There was an evil emperor in the dream that drove around in his enormous spaceship and destroyed whole races of people. He was a big slimy creature, resembling Jabba the Hutt. His children, which resembled larva with eyeballs, were on the ship with him. They always sat at a large dinner table filled with food. They were disgusting looking and constantly had pus flowing from them.

The evil emperor was so arrogant that he sent out a proclamation claiming that if anybody defeated him, they could have his larva children, who were the heirs to the throne of the galaxy. I wanted badly to defeat the guy, but I definitely didn't want his children.

I sat with a few friends (none of them are from real life; one of them might have been the green Power Ranger, even though I've only seen a few episodes in my lifetime) on the edge of space (it was a patch of grass that overlooked the stars; it was a beautiful sight). My friends were asking me if I was going to accept the challenge. I said, "I must."

Then I awoke.

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