Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dream #381 (April 24, 2011)

This isn't as bonkers as the previous dream, but it's still a bit interesting.

I was in some dark theater reading for quite some time.

After I had read a couple of chapters in some crappy crime thriller novel, I was interrupted by a blonde-haired young man who informed me that I had got the lead role in a big-budget film that was going to be directed by David Garcia (a former professor of mine). I was excited, and a bit nervous as well, for I wasn't sure how good of an actor I would be (I've always wanted to give it a shot, but most people I know can't take me seriously).

Then time jumped forward. I was on a stage with all of the other actors where Mr. Garcia was having us rehearse the film in front of a live audience. Suddenly, I realized that I had not even read my lines (other than those on the first page), and I became filled with fear and shame. Then, my turn to speak came. I got my first line right, fortunately, but I knew that I wouldn't get so lucky again. Then I remembered that it was only a rehearsal and not the real film, so I was able to relax a bit (though I still felt bad for not knowing my lines for the audience).

I jumped forward in time yet again.

I was in a field outside of a schoolhouse. People were running around aimlessly, in all directions. It was so chaotic that it looked organized (if that makes any sense to anyone else but myself). I walked across the field, effortlessly avoiding contact with the crazy sprinters. I met Terry Pucel in the center of the field and talked with him a bit.

Then everyone who was outside immediately formed into a straight line and walked into a nearby building. I followed them.

We were in a long and narrow theater, where David Garcia was presenting the film he had directed that I had starred in. I was anxious to view my performance on screen, for I hadn't seen the film yet. The lights dimmed, and the opening music faded in.

Then I awoke.

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