Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dream #381 (April 29, 2011)

Here's a short recollection of a dream.

I dreamt that I was in a small house with Lenny Walsh, Nathan Galvez, and a couple people I didn't know. We were eating dinner together, discussing life when two girls walked in, asking if they could join us. We allowed them to do so.

As the conversation continued, I found myself making references to Family Guy episodes (a show I don't watch). When one of the girls asked me what I was referencing, I was afraid to give her a straight answer, so I described the show. Once I said something about an obese main character, she immediately knew it was Family Guy, and walked out of the kitchen and turned on the television. Seinfeld was on the air, and she pointed at it and told me that I should be referencing it instead of Family Guy.

That is the last thing I remember. I awoke, of course.

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