Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dream #370 (April 2, 2011)

Here is last night's dream.

I dreamt that I was attending a large conference about youth ministry. There were thousands of people there, yet the seating was simply folding chairs placed out over the vast room. I was near the middle of the seats, and it was very difficult for me to see what was going on.

I soon heard the speaker welcome the Rolling Stones to the stage. People went crazy with applause as they ran out from backstage and began jamming. I wondered what they had to do with youth ministry and why they were performing there.

After that was over, there was an intermission. I walked out into the hall (it was nicely carpeted and beautifully decorated) and began talking with some other youth workers.

Then I awoke, but not in real life. I had just had a dream within a dream.

I found myself in a strange house, unlike any house I can remember. I was sleeping on the floor with my little brother Mike Baughman. Jacob and Josh Cavinder (Oregon-Davis classmates) were there sleeping on a couple of couches. Jacob saw that I was awake and began asking me how things were going. I told him about some of the videos I had been working on, but as I did so, he kept karate chopping me with both of his hands in the left and right sides of my neck. It hurt badly, and I asked him what he was doing. He told me it was a move he had learned in the Army.

I realized that it was still nighttime, so I decided to go back to sleep. As I tried to do so, I heard Josh and Jacob's mother walk into the house. She began talking with my mom, and they were quite loud. She was there to pick up her sons and take them home, but it took her a while to complete her task, for my mom was talkative at the time.

Eventually the boys left and Mike and I took over the couches.

I fell back asleep.

I was at another youth conference. This one was in a concrete building that was quite cold. I was walking around the inside with another person that I don't know now, and we both had Slurpee's; mine was red raspberry flavored, and the other person's was grape. We each went to the bathroom, then walked back to the main entrance. There we saw a bunch of security guards standing in front of bolted double doors. Outside, past another set of locked doors, were hundreds of people waiting to get in.

I don't know how I had made it inside, but I was able to listen in to the security guard's conversation. One of them, an tall, overweight man with a gut that fell to his knees, had the idea to tell the people there that the show was going to be a bunch of naked men so that they would go home and the security guards wouldn't have to work, and they would get the Rolling Stones (who were supposed to play at this conference as well) to themselves. The others laughed, but then they decided to actually go through with the plan.

The big guy went on a loudspeaker that reached the crowd outside. He said that the show had been changed to naked men dancing. Then the doors were opened. Surprisingly, all the youth workers, except a few young guys, ran into the building to get seats. Had they heard the message and ignored it, or had they heard the message and accepted it? Or did they not hear it at all?

Anyway, the place began to fill with people. The person I was with and I realized that we should get our seats soon if we wanted good ones. We rushed into the auditorium, but it was already jam packed full of people, with no seats available. I saw Eric and Emily de Araujo and their parents there and was surprised that they had ignored the message about naked men.

The person I was with and I stood and watched the opening of the show. A bunch of women wearing orange shorts and t-shirts ran and took the stage and began dancing, preparing the way for the Rolling Stones. It was obnoxious, so we decided to leave the auditorium.

Out in the hallway, there were bleachers set up, and hundreds of people were sitting there, even though they were simply looking at a white wall.

I took a large sip of my red raspberry Slurpee.

Then I awoke.

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