Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dream #369 (April 1, 2011)

Another month, another dream.

I dreamt that I had gone to visit my brother Matt Baughman in Washington. In this dream, he lived in a fancily decorated mansion, and there were all kinds of upper class guests wearing tuxedos at his home.

I was talking with a few of them about their various businesses they owned when Matt entered and informed us he wanted to watch a movie.

Then I either entered a different dream/began watching the movie.

I was in a war-torn city. People were running around with guns all over the place. Women were screaming; babies were crying. It was awful.

I was on the roof of an old concrete building and witnessed Neil Silveus (Bethel Friend) swing down from a building opposite of mine as he shot down several people. He looked up at me and waved.

Then I began to see from the perspective of a kid in the movie. He was an adventuress type, and he was hanging out with his friend: a goofy kid with large glasses. They ran around a playground (that resembled an amusement park with no roller coasters or people) for a while, then climbed up a tall, white curly slide. When they reached the top, they discovered some drugs. The kid with glasses immediately expressed his opinion that they should stay away from the drugs, but the adventurous kid wanted to give them a try. After some argument, he convinced the goofy kid that they should both take the drugs, which they did.

Then a mobster that knew the boys shouted up at them and asked them what they were doing. Somehow the adventurous kid convinced him that they just had the flew. After that, the boys went down from the slide (they took the stairs for some reason) and appeared on a fancy train.

They used more of the drugs. There were older women on the train that had joined them, and they too were trashed. The boy with glasses took another dose and began to spin about. Suddenly, he vomited and fell to the ground and began shaking. The other boy ran over to him and watched him die.

The scene went back to the top of the curly slide in the middle of the night where the adventurous boy was weeping.

Then I awoke.

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