Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dream #373 (April 14, 2011)

I'm finally back to the present dream. Hopefully I'll pickup the consistency I had in March.

I first dreamt that I was in a large auditorium. I was with a bunch of people that I don't know, and we were watching young people perform music (Justin Bieber, among other teenage performers I don't know). I apparently was some sort of judge, for I was filling out a bunch of paperwork about how the performers were performing.

I suddenly warped into a swimming pool locker room were I was putting my possessions in a blue locker. All of the other lockers were red.

Then I jumped back to the auditorium. Jessica Smith walked up behind me. I turned and asked her if Scout and the Finches were going to perform. She looked annoyed at me and told me that they weren't a real band and that they were on an "indefinite hiatus."

I apologized, then went back to judging an awful teenage chic singing some poppy trash.

Then I jumped into another scene. I was baby-sitting Lucy Kreider and Stella Badertscher with Ryan Jackson (former Oregon-Davis High School classmate). Soon Jessica Smith was dropped off by her dad (Wyatt). Right when she arrived, I immediately asked her about Scout and the Finches and she again became annoyed with me. She told me to quit talking about that band. As she did so, I was running around, trying to get Stella to go to bed (it was very late).

Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. I turned around and saw that Ryan had put Lucy on a grocery cart (she was standing up on it), and had pushed it hard right into the wall. Right after he did so, he ran away. Luckily Jessica was there to catch Lucy. She looked back at me and shook her head. She looked so disappointed in me. She set Lucy down and told her to go to bed, then she left.

I picked up the toddler and smelled that poopy diaper smell. I had never changed a baby before, and I didn't know what to do, so I set her down in her crib with her poopy diaper still on and told her to go to bed.

Then I awoke.

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