Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dream #378 (April 21, 2011)

Here is another Prairie Camp dream.

I began the dream inside of the Retreat Center at Prairie Camp. Because of the quickly approaching bad weather, all of the campers were in the basement instead of in their dorms.

Suddenly all of the lights went out. I heard a shrill yell coming from the kitchen, so I ran over there as fast as I could in the dark. There I found Lois Jean, the camp cook, dimly lit by an eerie light coming from outside. I soon saw the source of her fear: a daunting funnel cloud.

Before I could react, the tornado ripped through the camp. The retreat center was lifted up from the ground a few feet. The drop shook the whole place, causing widespread panic in all those staying there.

I reacted quickly. I ran to the front of the building and felt around until I found my luggage bag. I opened it up and pulled out my headlamp. I thought I had left it in the car, but fortunately I had not.

I walked about the Retreat Center and helped people regain their bearings. After a while, the weather calmed down. The night was over, and another day of camp had begun.

The campers all walked over to the Century House to have breakfast (I'm not sure why they didn't go to the cafeteria). As I was about to walk over there, I received a call from Morgan Ferch's mother (Morgan is a camp counselor). She told me that Morgan was traveling from California, and that the bad weather had delayed her trip. I asked why she had scheduled to work a week of camp right after a returning from California, and Terri told me that it was an unexpected trip.

After hanging up, I walked over to the pavilion by the snack shack and found some members of the de Araujo family (Nicolas and his mom, who is a camp nurse, and dad) eating a picnic. I talked to them for a while, then saw David, Carrie, and Stella Badertscher playing by the snack shack. I walked over to them and Stella began talking to me. However, going against my expectations, she began insulting me, then laughing about it. Then David and Carrie began talking about how proud they were of Stella's verbal abilities.

Then I awoke.

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