Monday, April 18, 2011

Dream #375 (April 18, 2011)

Another dream.

I was in a snowy wonderland. I was standing outside of a cabin-like house in three feet of snow, watching the waters of the river in front of me run beneath a sheet of ice. It was fascinating.

My spectating was soon finished, for I had to go back to work. I was surveying the edge of the river in the dream, along with my co-workers Andrew Jensen (former Oregon-Davis High School classmate) and Kyle and Kody Heffelfinger. Andrew led the way, carrying a long tape measure. I followed him, tying orange ribbon on various branches along the way that Andrew would mark out. Kody and Kyle were behind us, riding a jeep. I'm not sure what exactly their purpose was. Then Andrew got a call on his walkie talkie; it was our employer ordering me to return to the starting position to fix the base we had set up there.

I took the Heffelfinger jeep and rode it back to the base, which took much longer than I had anticipated. When I finally did return, I found that the base had been knocked over, and it appeared that a living creature was at fault, for we had secured it well before we left. I fixed it quickly, then noticed a trail leading through the tall weeds by the river. I followed the trail and came out above the river. There, on the other side, was Kelsey Minix (a former high school classmate of my little brother). She had crossed the river by means of a fallen tree. I yelled across the river (which was quite loud), and she turned around and waved. I asked why she had knocked over our base, and she turned around and continued on her way.

I walked back to the base confused, then sat down and waited for the others to return. My wait was long and boring.

Finally, Kody came riding a four-wheeler, pulling Kyle and Andrew in sleds behind him.

Then I entered a different dream. I was in the parking lot of a shopping complex, sitting in a forest green van. I was waiting for something.

Then I awoke.

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