Monday, April 25, 2011

Dream #382 (April 25, 2011)

I had a dream last night. Ain't that somethin'?

I was climbing a great wooden tower maze. Hundreds of people began the maze at the same time at the bottom of the wooden tower. After a starter pistol was fired by a person I couldn't see, everyone began to frantically make their way up the tower.

Once inside the first wooden doorway, there were several different paths that one could take. Strangely enough, the entire maze was lit by daylight.

I pushed my way through various pathways and stairwells that led me upwards. Eventually there were fewer and fewer people clogging the maze, and I was able to take my time and calculate which direction I should take.

When I neared the top, I ran into what many thought to be a dead end (I had passed about ten people who had turned around from there). I got to the actual dead end, I saw Shana Beers trying to decipher a code on the wall. She soon became frustrated and gave up, and she made her way back down the stairwell. I was alone at the dead end, but I somehow knew that there was more to what was in front of me than a merely a wooden wall.

I turned to the code on the wall and pushed a button in. Nothing happened that I could see. I walked back over to the wall and pushed it. It wouldn't budge. Then I jumped up and smacked the top. It folded over!

I jumped up into the air and held my body there by pushing my hands and feet against the wall (a move like to do in hallways, though others don't appreciate the shoe marks I leave on the walls). I spider-crawled up to the wood flap I had discovered and launched my body into it. I landed on a curly slide that took me down quite a ways and dropped me into a room that looked like a cabin. By the time I had actually made it to the slide, others had discovered what I had uncovered, and they followed me into the room. They were all males, and one of them was Adam Pflugshaupt and Matt Boyle.

When I stood up after being dumped on the ground by the slide, I began to search the room. I found many old artifacts (old books, a suit of armor, a special staff, etc.). Then I walked over to a great desk and discovered a treasure chest underneath it. Adam and Matt helped me pull it from the desk once they recovered from their fall. We began to try to find a way out. We decided we would have to leap out the window, so I crawled up to the opening (which was about eight feet above the floor), and discovered that we were only about twenty feet about the ground.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was in Oregon-Davis Elementary School. I had just finished substitute teaching a class (I was actually a substitute for an aid, not the real teacher), and I walked into a nearby empty and dark classroom, where I began writing letters on the chalkboard.

Soon afterward, an old classmate of mine, James Minker (whom I haven't seen for four years or so), walked into the room with a box of action figures. I looked and found a toy archer that actually shot bb's out of a little toy shotgun (I know I said archer; he had a bow on his back and resembled one of Robin Hood's men, but he happened to have a shotgun). James set up a target on the chalkboard. He took the first attempt and didn't even hit the chalkboard. I though I could do a better job. I missed that entire wall, shooting the bb into another part of the room altogether. I was ashamed of my efforts, so I wanted to try again. However, the gun kept slipping from the archer's hand, so I could never get another shot off.

Then I saw my mother at the door of the classroom that led to the parking lot. I told James that I had to go, and I followed my mom to her Buick, where my younger brother (Mike Baughman) was waiting for me. I asked where my dad was, and my mom said he was at the high school. She drove over there and I saw my dad wearing a Batman cape and mask, flapping it about, trying to entertain the high schoolers walking about. He saw my mom pull up and he ran and jumped into the car.

As we were leaving, I saw Phil Bridges (with whom I recorded an old folk music album) dressed in a Mexican blanket and a sombrero.

The road was packed with cars, and my mom told me that I should have left the school earlier so that we could have beat the traffic.

Then I entered a different dream.

I was in a room with Ryan Sweeney (a former classmate at Oregon-Davis). We had just finished shooting a video for a school project of his when Justin Egger, Brandon Johnston, and Austen Corneil walked in and told me that they, too, wanted to shoot a video.

We all sat down on a couch and began discussing various ideas. I said we should use a cheesy 80's red tint. Then a janitor walked past us and told us he like our ideas. Then he informed us that a bunch of high schoolers were coming into the building soon.

He was right. Tons of teens walked in, wearing their hip clothes and sunglasses. Most of them went into a neighboring room and began eating pizza. A couple of guys, though, began shooting a video right beside us. I overheard one of them (who was Vietnamese) say, "We should see the main guy's face and cut the other guy's face off right at the nose." I thought that would look hideous, but Austen told the guy he really liked that idea.

Then I awoke.

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