Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dream #381 (April 29, 2011)

Here's a short recollection of a dream.

I dreamt that I was in a small house with Lenny Walsh, Nathan Galvez, and a couple people I didn't know. We were eating dinner together, discussing life when two girls walked in, asking if they could join us. We allowed them to do so.

As the conversation continued, I found myself making references to Family Guy episodes (a show I don't watch). When one of the girls asked me what I was referencing, I was afraid to give her a straight answer, so I described the show. Once I said something about an obese main character, she immediately knew it was Family Guy, and walked out of the kitchen and turned on the television. Seinfeld was on the air, and she pointed at it and told me that I should be referencing it instead of Family Guy.

That is the last thing I remember. I awoke, of course.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dream #380 (April 28, 2011)

A little crazy dream.

I dreamt that I was a soldier in a strange battle. I was in an average-sized home with gray carpet on the floors and the walls. There my fellow soldiers (who were all merely boys) and I were fighting our enemies to the death. However, our enemies consisted of young boys and girls, with only a few adults. I didn't want to fight, but I knew that if I didn't, I would be killed. I just managed to avoid all contact with others.

Part way through the battle, one of the young girls cornered me in a nearby room and began swiping at me with her claws. I told her that we should call a truce. Several times she acted like she was going to accept the offer, but when I would go to shake hands, she would try to snag me with her claws. This was more dangerous than it sounds, for her claws contained a poison.

Finally, after several long minutes of avoiding the slashes, I was able to freeze my enemy.

I ran back to the room I started in just as a car drove through the wall. A bunch of German kids jumped out and got ready to attack my fellow soldiers and me. I silenced them all, held out my hands, and begged them to only hurt each other a little bit so that we could all go home to receive medical attention and escape the war.

They didn't listen to me, and they began ferociously attacking each other.

Then I awoke.

Dream #379 (April 27, 2011)

This was pretty crazy.

I dreamt that I was in a huge wooden hotel. The hallways were very dimly lit, and the rooms had the feel of a cabin. I was in my room (a two-room apartment) getting ready for a final exam. I looked at the digital clock by my bed and realized that I was running late. I immediately closed the various books that I had opened, shoved a couple into my blue backpack, and ran out into the hallway. I hopped onto an elevator, went up a few floors, hopped off and made it into the classroom with minutes to spare.

The classroom didn't have desks; rather, the students all sat in bar stools and kept their books on their laps. As the others were getting their books and papers out, preparing for the exam, Amy Ennis, who was sitting next to me, pointed out that I had brought the wrong book and the wrong papers. I panicked, dropped what I had brought, and ran back outside the classroom. Instead of taking the elevator, I took the stairs. I was in such a hurry that I went down too many floors. I hopped onto the next open elevator, but unfortunately, it went all the way down to the ground floor instead of going up. I gave up.

In the elevator with me was a tall, rough-looking fellow. He ordered me to follow him when we reached the ground floor (which actually led outside into the parking lot). I did as he said, then thought to myself, "It's crazy how one small decision can change a person's life drastically."

After thinking that, I followed the tall man to an 80's red car. He opened up the hood and pulled out a bag of cocaine. I tried to remain calm, but the guy could tell I was very nervous.

Just then, I saw a female cop approaching us. The tall guy hopped in the car and fled the scene, leaving me to be punished for his actions. The woman grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the street and out a set of glass doors. I know that sounds very strange, but she really took me outside of outside, if that makes any sense. There was a street and innumerable people and buildings inside of one huge glass building. The street outside of outside was deserted.

The woman told me that she knew I had nothing to do with the cocaine that she had discovered in my hands when we first met. Then (this is cheesy and ridiculous), the chick cop winked at me and smiled. I looked back inside the glass and saw a riot going on. Tons of people with signs and pitchforks were rushing toward a certain building. The chick cop asked me what I thought about war and violence.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dream #383 (April 26, 2011)

Here is a dream.

I first dreamt that Jon Andrew Castleberry and I were in a city made of rusted materials. I had my Canon 60D with my, and I was photographing the buildings around me. As I said earlier, everything was rusty, including the ground below me.

We walked around several cement buildings, through some metal alleyways, and down several flights of steps that led nowhere. I was taking pictures all the while.

Eventually, I jumped forward in time. Jon Andrew and I were at some special banquet that was held to honor various artists. Several awards were being presented, so everybody was dressed in their finest clothes.

When the award for "best piece of art" was announce, our names were called for a three-dimensional piece created with the pictures of the rusted city. Everyone stood and began cheering. They even lifted us up. Jon Andrew and I looked at each other in disbelief. We both thought our piece of art was a joke, and that it didn't deserve any attention, for we had made it to mock art.

Then I entered a different dream.

I was studying in a college library, though I wasn't a student there. I managed to log onto one of the computers, even though I didn't have an ID. The computers in this library were all very old and only could display green text. Still, I was using it to research something. I had several larger-than life books about me (they were 5' x 3'), and they contained maps of various islands.

As I was working, Emily de Araujo and Katie Zook walked by right when I looked up from my research. I waved at them and they came and talked with me about the college. About a minute into the conversation, a huge brute walked in the library, pointed at me, and contorted his face, expressing what appeared to be anger. He marched over to me and picked me up and carried me into the grassy area outside the library.

Then I switched to yet another dream.

I was at Prairie Camp running a large group game with Kevin Chupp and Asa Ennis. The game, which involved about 100 kids, was a giant version of Sudoku. The kids would take turns picking up numbers and placing them where they thought they belonged. I don't know why I thought this game would work; the kids had a very difficult time. At one point, they had three 6's in a single row.

Carrie walked up and ended the game, informing everyone that it was time for water games. Everyone went back to their dorms to change into clothes that could get wet, except for me. I decided just to take off all my clothes to save time so that I could set up the game.

-I hate when I'm naked in my dreams. I feel so uncomfortable, and there's no escape. I never think to just go put clothes on.-

When the kids got back out, I realized that I should not be unclothed in front of them, so I hid behind Kevin while I explained the game. They somehow didn't seem to notice.

When I finished explaining the activity (which was merely a slip n' slide), I found a towel on the ground and threw it around my waist. One of the campers walked up to me after sliding down the slip n' slide and asked me if I was wearing a swimming suit. I avoided answering the question.

When the activity was over, I ran into the Retreat Center and put my clothes back on. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of gangsters hanging out with the campers.

Then I awoke.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dream #382 (April 25, 2011)

I had a dream last night. Ain't that somethin'?

I was climbing a great wooden tower maze. Hundreds of people began the maze at the same time at the bottom of the wooden tower. After a starter pistol was fired by a person I couldn't see, everyone began to frantically make their way up the tower.

Once inside the first wooden doorway, there were several different paths that one could take. Strangely enough, the entire maze was lit by daylight.

I pushed my way through various pathways and stairwells that led me upwards. Eventually there were fewer and fewer people clogging the maze, and I was able to take my time and calculate which direction I should take.

When I neared the top, I ran into what many thought to be a dead end (I had passed about ten people who had turned around from there). I got to the actual dead end, I saw Shana Beers trying to decipher a code on the wall. She soon became frustrated and gave up, and she made her way back down the stairwell. I was alone at the dead end, but I somehow knew that there was more to what was in front of me than a merely a wooden wall.

I turned to the code on the wall and pushed a button in. Nothing happened that I could see. I walked back over to the wall and pushed it. It wouldn't budge. Then I jumped up and smacked the top. It folded over!

I jumped up into the air and held my body there by pushing my hands and feet against the wall (a move like to do in hallways, though others don't appreciate the shoe marks I leave on the walls). I spider-crawled up to the wood flap I had discovered and launched my body into it. I landed on a curly slide that took me down quite a ways and dropped me into a room that looked like a cabin. By the time I had actually made it to the slide, others had discovered what I had uncovered, and they followed me into the room. They were all males, and one of them was Adam Pflugshaupt and Matt Boyle.

When I stood up after being dumped on the ground by the slide, I began to search the room. I found many old artifacts (old books, a suit of armor, a special staff, etc.). Then I walked over to a great desk and discovered a treasure chest underneath it. Adam and Matt helped me pull it from the desk once they recovered from their fall. We began to try to find a way out. We decided we would have to leap out the window, so I crawled up to the opening (which was about eight feet above the floor), and discovered that we were only about twenty feet about the ground.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was in Oregon-Davis Elementary School. I had just finished substitute teaching a class (I was actually a substitute for an aid, not the real teacher), and I walked into a nearby empty and dark classroom, where I began writing letters on the chalkboard.

Soon afterward, an old classmate of mine, James Minker (whom I haven't seen for four years or so), walked into the room with a box of action figures. I looked and found a toy archer that actually shot bb's out of a little toy shotgun (I know I said archer; he had a bow on his back and resembled one of Robin Hood's men, but he happened to have a shotgun). James set up a target on the chalkboard. He took the first attempt and didn't even hit the chalkboard. I though I could do a better job. I missed that entire wall, shooting the bb into another part of the room altogether. I was ashamed of my efforts, so I wanted to try again. However, the gun kept slipping from the archer's hand, so I could never get another shot off.

Then I saw my mother at the door of the classroom that led to the parking lot. I told James that I had to go, and I followed my mom to her Buick, where my younger brother (Mike Baughman) was waiting for me. I asked where my dad was, and my mom said he was at the high school. She drove over there and I saw my dad wearing a Batman cape and mask, flapping it about, trying to entertain the high schoolers walking about. He saw my mom pull up and he ran and jumped into the car.

As we were leaving, I saw Phil Bridges (with whom I recorded an old folk music album) dressed in a Mexican blanket and a sombrero.

The road was packed with cars, and my mom told me that I should have left the school earlier so that we could have beat the traffic.

Then I entered a different dream.

I was in a room with Ryan Sweeney (a former classmate at Oregon-Davis). We had just finished shooting a video for a school project of his when Justin Egger, Brandon Johnston, and Austen Corneil walked in and told me that they, too, wanted to shoot a video.

We all sat down on a couch and began discussing various ideas. I said we should use a cheesy 80's red tint. Then a janitor walked past us and told us he like our ideas. Then he informed us that a bunch of high schoolers were coming into the building soon.

He was right. Tons of teens walked in, wearing their hip clothes and sunglasses. Most of them went into a neighboring room and began eating pizza. A couple of guys, though, began shooting a video right beside us. I overheard one of them (who was Vietnamese) say, "We should see the main guy's face and cut the other guy's face off right at the nose." I thought that would look hideous, but Austen told the guy he really liked that idea.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dream #381 (April 24, 2011)

This isn't as bonkers as the previous dream, but it's still a bit interesting.

I was in some dark theater reading for quite some time.

After I had read a couple of chapters in some crappy crime thriller novel, I was interrupted by a blonde-haired young man who informed me that I had got the lead role in a big-budget film that was going to be directed by David Garcia (a former professor of mine). I was excited, and a bit nervous as well, for I wasn't sure how good of an actor I would be (I've always wanted to give it a shot, but most people I know can't take me seriously).

Then time jumped forward. I was on a stage with all of the other actors where Mr. Garcia was having us rehearse the film in front of a live audience. Suddenly, I realized that I had not even read my lines (other than those on the first page), and I became filled with fear and shame. Then, my turn to speak came. I got my first line right, fortunately, but I knew that I wouldn't get so lucky again. Then I remembered that it was only a rehearsal and not the real film, so I was able to relax a bit (though I still felt bad for not knowing my lines for the audience).

I jumped forward in time yet again.

I was in a field outside of a schoolhouse. People were running around aimlessly, in all directions. It was so chaotic that it looked organized (if that makes any sense to anyone else but myself). I walked across the field, effortlessly avoiding contact with the crazy sprinters. I met Terry Pucel in the center of the field and talked with him a bit.

Then everyone who was outside immediately formed into a straight line and walked into a nearby building. I followed them.

We were in a long and narrow theater, where David Garcia was presenting the film he had directed that I had starred in. I was anxious to view my performance on screen, for I hadn't seen the film yet. The lights dimmed, and the opening music faded in.

Then I awoke.

Dream #380 (April 23, 2011)

This was nuts.

I first dreamt that I was inside of some space station in the future. Things were quite normal for a while (for the future, that is). People and robots were walking about, doing various tasks (just like at any space station). There were thousands of people there.

I was just a janitor on the spaceship. I took a break from mopping the shiny metallic floor and took a peak out of the great window that looked out to the stars. The view was breathtaking, but I didn't enjoy it for long.

A burst of smoke obstructed my view, then the glass cracked before me. I put on some special breathing device as the air in the station began to flow out the window. I ran and took cover under a computer desk as the smoke filled the room.

After about a minute, the fog lifted, revealing several X-Men characters, including Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, Beast, and Gambit. There were several other mutants that are most likely not X-Men characters, but originals of my subconscious.

Contrary to the X-Men comic, these mutants were villains (or maybe I was a villain). They had come to destroy the space station, and they began by killing several of the workers wearing grey suits. Storm would bring in a cloud and lift up the victims as the other mutants used their various powers to slay them.

I decided to take action. I snuck over to a nearby computer and entered in a bunch of data. Somehow, the result was a crazy electrical explosion that blew near the mutants and electrocuted them. The only one not defeated by the shock was Gambit, who quickly discovered my whereabouts. He began throwing his pink, glowing cards at me.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was working with a bunch of my former Oregon-Davis High School classmates (Adam Pflugshaupt, Brandon Johnston, Andrew Jensen, and Alik Hall). We were putting up an enormous State Farm insurance ad on a billboard on a tall hill above a highway. The ad had the picture of a happy, good looking, middle-aged man in a suit.

My job was to climb the ladder and apply the sticky substance to the billboard while the others managed to put up the actual poster. After several minutes of tough work, it was time for lunch.

I climbed down from the ladder and joined up with my friends to talk about where we wanted to eat. They decided on Applebee's. It didn't really matter for me, because I had brought edible clothes. Yup. My pants, suit jacket, and tie were all made out of gummy candy (like Fruit Roll-Ups). Adam and Andrew thought that was hilarious and they mentioned they wanted as many people as possible to see me eat what I was wearing.

Then I awoke.

Dream #379 (April 22, 2011)

This will be a short description, for I've forgotten the majority of this dream over the past few days.

I dreamt that I was with Roderick Hoffman (missionary from South Africa to Benton Harbor, Michigan) and his wife in a school. Roderick was preaching a sermon to the kids, and he was wearing a bright white suit.

I eventually awoke. I'm sorry for the lack of detail.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dream #378 (April 21, 2011)

Here is another Prairie Camp dream.

I began the dream inside of the Retreat Center at Prairie Camp. Because of the quickly approaching bad weather, all of the campers were in the basement instead of in their dorms.

Suddenly all of the lights went out. I heard a shrill yell coming from the kitchen, so I ran over there as fast as I could in the dark. There I found Lois Jean, the camp cook, dimly lit by an eerie light coming from outside. I soon saw the source of her fear: a daunting funnel cloud.

Before I could react, the tornado ripped through the camp. The retreat center was lifted up from the ground a few feet. The drop shook the whole place, causing widespread panic in all those staying there.

I reacted quickly. I ran to the front of the building and felt around until I found my luggage bag. I opened it up and pulled out my headlamp. I thought I had left it in the car, but fortunately I had not.

I walked about the Retreat Center and helped people regain their bearings. After a while, the weather calmed down. The night was over, and another day of camp had begun.

The campers all walked over to the Century House to have breakfast (I'm not sure why they didn't go to the cafeteria). As I was about to walk over there, I received a call from Morgan Ferch's mother (Morgan is a camp counselor). She told me that Morgan was traveling from California, and that the bad weather had delayed her trip. I asked why she had scheduled to work a week of camp right after a returning from California, and Terri told me that it was an unexpected trip.

After hanging up, I walked over to the pavilion by the snack shack and found some members of the de Araujo family (Nicolas and his mom, who is a camp nurse, and dad) eating a picnic. I talked to them for a while, then saw David, Carrie, and Stella Badertscher playing by the snack shack. I walked over to them and Stella began talking to me. However, going against my expectations, she began insulting me, then laughing about it. Then David and Carrie began talking about how proud they were of Stella's verbal abilities.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dream #377 (April 20, 2011)

This was crazy.

The dream had two very different stories going on, yet they were happening simultaneously. I'll begin with the slightly more normal one.

I was living with Jon Andrew Castleberry in Virginia Beach. We were getting ready to put on a huge concert, for our latest album was a hit. In the band were the two of us and Kevin Chupp and my little brother Mike Baughman. We sounded a bit like Fleet Foxes, but better (we were pretty awesome in the dream). When the dream began, Jon Andrew and I were sitting at his kitchen table looking over our budget for the concert, trying to decide which fancy things we should have there (lighting, balloons, streamers, etc.). After a while, we began discussing jobs. Jon Andrew mention that he had a tough time finding work after college.

Suddenly his aunt walked in (I'm not sure he has an aunt; if he does, I most likely haven't met her). She said, "When I finished college, I went to prison. You might as well do that the way jobs are these days." Jon Andrew actually seriously considered her advice.

Then I had to leave the kitchen and meet somebody at a small parking garage.

When I left, I became Daniel Smith (also known as Brother Danielson from the Danielson Famile). I met up with actress Charlotte Gainsbourg and we talked about how were were going to take down the city's largest and most hated crime lord, Christoph Waltz. Our plan was for me to fake my death. I had a prosthetic leg in the dream, so I was going to act like it ripped off my body so I could get Christoph to disregard me as a threat.

Charlotte and I entered the parking garage and busted into a meeting of crime lords from various cities. Christoph chased me out of the room shooting at me. I set of a fake explosion and threw my prosthetic leg across the room and laid down on the ground acting as if I was dying.

Christoph then shot me in the arm and left me there to die. I don't know why he didn't kill me or why he believed that my leg blew off.

Shortly afterward, Charlotte met up with me and dragged me out of the garage. I told her that I had to practice for the big concert I was a part of and that I would meet up with her later to discuss our future plans of taking down Christoph Waltz's crime empire.

I met up with Jon Andrew, Kevin, and Mike in an attic. Kevin and Jon Andrew played acoustic guitars, Mike played various percussion instruments, and I played the accordion. We all sang simultaneously and we sounded amazing. We were ready to perform. Charlotte had watched us practice and she informed me that she was excited for the concert (she is a musician as well, by the way).

Then I awoke.

Dream #376 (April 19, 2011)

I just realized that I marked the last several dreams as from 2010.

I dreamt that I was inside of an old trailer that was a part of a larger trailer park. I was extremely poor, and I was living with Kyle Heffelfinger. We were both dressed in rags. Kyle looked fairly normal, but I had a long beard and long, greasy hair and was even more skinny than I already am.

We were cooking up some eggs on the stove, but instead of using a pan, we used a hat.

We ate our breakfast and sat and looked out at the junky trailers around ours. There was no grass to be seen, for sand and dust had taken over the area.

I eventually awoke.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dream #375 (April 18, 2011)

Another dream.

I was in a snowy wonderland. I was standing outside of a cabin-like house in three feet of snow, watching the waters of the river in front of me run beneath a sheet of ice. It was fascinating.

My spectating was soon finished, for I had to go back to work. I was surveying the edge of the river in the dream, along with my co-workers Andrew Jensen (former Oregon-Davis High School classmate) and Kyle and Kody Heffelfinger. Andrew led the way, carrying a long tape measure. I followed him, tying orange ribbon on various branches along the way that Andrew would mark out. Kody and Kyle were behind us, riding a jeep. I'm not sure what exactly their purpose was. Then Andrew got a call on his walkie talkie; it was our employer ordering me to return to the starting position to fix the base we had set up there.

I took the Heffelfinger jeep and rode it back to the base, which took much longer than I had anticipated. When I finally did return, I found that the base had been knocked over, and it appeared that a living creature was at fault, for we had secured it well before we left. I fixed it quickly, then noticed a trail leading through the tall weeds by the river. I followed the trail and came out above the river. There, on the other side, was Kelsey Minix (a former high school classmate of my little brother). She had crossed the river by means of a fallen tree. I yelled across the river (which was quite loud), and she turned around and waved. I asked why she had knocked over our base, and she turned around and continued on her way.

I walked back to the base confused, then sat down and waited for the others to return. My wait was long and boring.

Finally, Kody came riding a four-wheeler, pulling Kyle and Andrew in sleds behind him.

Then I entered a different dream. I was in the parking lot of a shopping complex, sitting in a forest green van. I was waiting for something.

Then I awoke.

Dream #374 (April 17, 2011)

A simple dream.

I dreamt that I was living in a campground somewhere on the east coast. It was dark outside, but I could not sleep.

I walked outside my camper and saw how beautiful the area was. There were no other campers or tents or people anywhere. I was alone, but I enjoyed it. I immediately packed up my camper (it collapsed into a very small box that trailed behind my car) (I had a blue car by the way), and left the site.

As I drove through the grass (there were no roads), I looked at the beautiful scenery. The grass was deep green. The pines were dark, yet welcoming. The sky was a soft purple.

I thought about how sad I would be in a few hours when the sun would rise and take away the beauty I was seeing.

As the color in the sky began to fade, I saw a busy toll road off in the distance. I knew that I had a long drive ahead of me.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dream #373 (April 14, 2011)

I'm finally back to the present dream. Hopefully I'll pickup the consistency I had in March.

I first dreamt that I was in a large auditorium. I was with a bunch of people that I don't know, and we were watching young people perform music (Justin Bieber, among other teenage performers I don't know). I apparently was some sort of judge, for I was filling out a bunch of paperwork about how the performers were performing.

I suddenly warped into a swimming pool locker room were I was putting my possessions in a blue locker. All of the other lockers were red.

Then I jumped back to the auditorium. Jessica Smith walked up behind me. I turned and asked her if Scout and the Finches were going to perform. She looked annoyed at me and told me that they weren't a real band and that they were on an "indefinite hiatus."

I apologized, then went back to judging an awful teenage chic singing some poppy trash.

Then I jumped into another scene. I was baby-sitting Lucy Kreider and Stella Badertscher with Ryan Jackson (former Oregon-Davis High School classmate). Soon Jessica Smith was dropped off by her dad (Wyatt). Right when she arrived, I immediately asked her about Scout and the Finches and she again became annoyed with me. She told me to quit talking about that band. As she did so, I was running around, trying to get Stella to go to bed (it was very late).

Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. I turned around and saw that Ryan had put Lucy on a grocery cart (she was standing up on it), and had pushed it hard right into the wall. Right after he did so, he ran away. Luckily Jessica was there to catch Lucy. She looked back at me and shook her head. She looked so disappointed in me. She set Lucy down and told her to go to bed, then she left.

I picked up the toddler and smelled that poopy diaper smell. I had never changed a baby before, and I didn't know what to do, so I set her down in her crib with her poopy diaper still on and told her to go to bed.

Then I awoke.

Dream #372 (April 9, 2011)

It's been a while since this dream happened, so it's description will be brief.

I dreamt that I traveled to Narnia with my brother Mike Baughman. We were on a ship that resembled the outlet mall in Michigan City (it was very strange; the boat was made of concrete and it had little stores on it). We were fighting a bunch of pirates on the boat. I remember that everybody had orange popsicles and were eating them as they fought.

Suddenly Aslan the lion jumped up onto the boat and ordered that we decapitate everyone on the boat (something that character would never command).

That's all I remember. I awoke eventually.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dream #371 (April 6, 2011)

I'm sorry for the great delay in my dreams. It's been over a week since my last update. Here's one that I never had the chance to blog from last week.

I was inside of a Goodwill store with Jon Andrew Castleberry and Dan Jeter (friends from Virginia Beach). We walked to the used VHS section and snuck into a secret closet behind an aisle there. Inside the tights space we had a meeting at a little square table in the center of four walls of bookshelves. Above us was a single tungsten light bulb.

We began discussing Chapter 0 together (a stop-motion film we were working on at the time). After a bit of this, I decided to take a quick walk around the store. I walked out of the small closet and saw a bunch of people that I recognized; however, nobody recognized me due to my beard (this is the first dream in which I had a beard, and it was much longer that it is in real life). I saw several people I have worked with over the years (Kathy Ryman, Donna from St. Mark, and many of my parents' older friends). Finally, a guy who looked like Dave Garcia, but whom I recognized in the dream as a man from a previous dream I had dreamt, knew who I was and shook my hand.

Then I went and looked at the Apple Trailers posters that were on display. I could actually watch the entire trailer on the wall of the store. The first one I watched was for Winnie The Pooh. It looked like a fun movie. Then I saw a bunch of science fiction films. I chose one and began to watch it. I was immediately sucked into it.

I was in the movie trailer, though I thought it was real at the time.

I was a spaceman, a lovable rogue. There was an evil emperor in the dream that drove around in his enormous spaceship and destroyed whole races of people. He was a big slimy creature, resembling Jabba the Hutt. His children, which resembled larva with eyeballs, were on the ship with him. They always sat at a large dinner table filled with food. They were disgusting looking and constantly had pus flowing from them.

The evil emperor was so arrogant that he sent out a proclamation claiming that if anybody defeated him, they could have his larva children, who were the heirs to the throne of the galaxy. I wanted badly to defeat the guy, but I definitely didn't want his children.

I sat with a few friends (none of them are from real life; one of them might have been the green Power Ranger, even though I've only seen a few episodes in my lifetime) on the edge of space (it was a patch of grass that overlooked the stars; it was a beautiful sight). My friends were asking me if I was going to accept the challenge. I said, "I must."

Then I awoke.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dream #370 (April 2, 2011)

Here is last night's dream.

I dreamt that I was attending a large conference about youth ministry. There were thousands of people there, yet the seating was simply folding chairs placed out over the vast room. I was near the middle of the seats, and it was very difficult for me to see what was going on.

I soon heard the speaker welcome the Rolling Stones to the stage. People went crazy with applause as they ran out from backstage and began jamming. I wondered what they had to do with youth ministry and why they were performing there.

After that was over, there was an intermission. I walked out into the hall (it was nicely carpeted and beautifully decorated) and began talking with some other youth workers.

Then I awoke, but not in real life. I had just had a dream within a dream.

I found myself in a strange house, unlike any house I can remember. I was sleeping on the floor with my little brother Mike Baughman. Jacob and Josh Cavinder (Oregon-Davis classmates) were there sleeping on a couple of couches. Jacob saw that I was awake and began asking me how things were going. I told him about some of the videos I had been working on, but as I did so, he kept karate chopping me with both of his hands in the left and right sides of my neck. It hurt badly, and I asked him what he was doing. He told me it was a move he had learned in the Army.

I realized that it was still nighttime, so I decided to go back to sleep. As I tried to do so, I heard Josh and Jacob's mother walk into the house. She began talking with my mom, and they were quite loud. She was there to pick up her sons and take them home, but it took her a while to complete her task, for my mom was talkative at the time.

Eventually the boys left and Mike and I took over the couches.

I fell back asleep.

I was at another youth conference. This one was in a concrete building that was quite cold. I was walking around the inside with another person that I don't know now, and we both had Slurpee's; mine was red raspberry flavored, and the other person's was grape. We each went to the bathroom, then walked back to the main entrance. There we saw a bunch of security guards standing in front of bolted double doors. Outside, past another set of locked doors, were hundreds of people waiting to get in.

I don't know how I had made it inside, but I was able to listen in to the security guard's conversation. One of them, an tall, overweight man with a gut that fell to his knees, had the idea to tell the people there that the show was going to be a bunch of naked men so that they would go home and the security guards wouldn't have to work, and they would get the Rolling Stones (who were supposed to play at this conference as well) to themselves. The others laughed, but then they decided to actually go through with the plan.

The big guy went on a loudspeaker that reached the crowd outside. He said that the show had been changed to naked men dancing. Then the doors were opened. Surprisingly, all the youth workers, except a few young guys, ran into the building to get seats. Had they heard the message and ignored it, or had they heard the message and accepted it? Or did they not hear it at all?

Anyway, the place began to fill with people. The person I was with and I realized that we should get our seats soon if we wanted good ones. We rushed into the auditorium, but it was already jam packed full of people, with no seats available. I saw Eric and Emily de Araujo and their parents there and was surprised that they had ignored the message about naked men.

The person I was with and I stood and watched the opening of the show. A bunch of women wearing orange shorts and t-shirts ran and took the stage and began dancing, preparing the way for the Rolling Stones. It was obnoxious, so we decided to leave the auditorium.

Out in the hallway, there were bleachers set up, and hundreds of people were sitting there, even though they were simply looking at a white wall.

I took a large sip of my red raspberry Slurpee.

Then I awoke.

Dream #369 (April 1, 2011)

Another month, another dream.

I dreamt that I had gone to visit my brother Matt Baughman in Washington. In this dream, he lived in a fancily decorated mansion, and there were all kinds of upper class guests wearing tuxedos at his home.

I was talking with a few of them about their various businesses they owned when Matt entered and informed us he wanted to watch a movie.

Then I either entered a different dream/began watching the movie.

I was in a war-torn city. People were running around with guns all over the place. Women were screaming; babies were crying. It was awful.

I was on the roof of an old concrete building and witnessed Neil Silveus (Bethel Friend) swing down from a building opposite of mine as he shot down several people. He looked up at me and waved.

Then I began to see from the perspective of a kid in the movie. He was an adventuress type, and he was hanging out with his friend: a goofy kid with large glasses. They ran around a playground (that resembled an amusement park with no roller coasters or people) for a while, then climbed up a tall, white curly slide. When they reached the top, they discovered some drugs. The kid with glasses immediately expressed his opinion that they should stay away from the drugs, but the adventurous kid wanted to give them a try. After some argument, he convinced the goofy kid that they should both take the drugs, which they did.

Then a mobster that knew the boys shouted up at them and asked them what they were doing. Somehow the adventurous kid convinced him that they just had the flew. After that, the boys went down from the slide (they took the stairs for some reason) and appeared on a fancy train.

They used more of the drugs. There were older women on the train that had joined them, and they too were trashed. The boy with glasses took another dose and began to spin about. Suddenly, he vomited and fell to the ground and began shaking. The other boy ran over to him and watched him die.

The scene went back to the top of the curly slide in the middle of the night where the adventurous boy was weeping.

Then I awoke.