Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dream #301 (December 30, 2010)

Unlike last night, this dream took place in one setting.

I began the dream by walking up the marble steps of a Roman-style judicial building. I passed through the columns and through the front doors and entered a great room with a chalkboard and desk at the front and many rows of black lab tables (like the ones in the science rooms in my old high school). It was taking a science class. I walked to the front row and sat down.

I was wearing some odd pieces of clothing. I had on a very heavy brown fur coat, thick brown gloves, a brown scarf, a yellow sweater, brown corduroy pants, brown boots, and square glasses. I was also wearing a brown barrette, which it took off and hung, along with my coat, on the back of my chair. I felt like I was in London in the nineteenth century.

This class was the last one of the semester, and we were being handed our final test scores. When the teacher's assistant got to me, he handed me a purple folder that was empty except for a half piece of notebook paper with a '0' written on it in red ink. I was upset because I knew I took the test, and I had studied very hard for it so I was confident that I would receive a good grade. I took the folder up to the teacher's desk and addressed the issue.

The teacher, though he looked like a math professor from Bethel College, was Jeff Goldblum. At first he didn't believe me, but then he started taking me seriously. He immediately ordered everyone to search for my missing test.

Now, there were three sections to the test. One was a multiple choice section, the other was a fill-in-the-blank, and the third was an essay, all done on separate sheets of notebook paper. Immediately the students looked under their desks, and a girl in the classroom (wearing a thick red coat and a red barrette) found the fill-in-the-blank section of my test, which was crumpled up and marked with a '100' in red ink. She took it to the Jeff Goldblum, who then ordered the class to search the rest of the giant room quite thoroughly.

This is how the rest of the dream was spent. The students (including myself) looked through boxes, above ceiling tiles (with the use of tall ladders), in the janitor's closet, and in everyone's backpacks.

There were strange things going on outside whilst we were going about our search. At one point, a fire truck went speeding by with its lights flashing and its siren yelling. Later on, an accident involving a green car, a baby blue car, and a yellow taxi stole my attention for a short while. The owners of the vehicles got out and began shouting at each other, and they caused quite a traffic backup.

At some point in this mess I awoke, having never found the other two portions of the test.

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