Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dream #297 (December 21, 2010)

Right when I laid in my bed to go to sleep, I remembered last night's dream all at once.

The first part took place outside my neighbor's house (though the house in the dream seemed to be made almost entirely out of glass). There was three feet of snow on the ground, approximately, and I was in the front yard trying to shovel my way through it. It was dark outside, but the snow reflected the moonlight well.

After I started making my way to the road, I realized that I could make a really cool snow maze, and that is what I did. It weaved here and there, and making it was much easier in the dream that it would be in real life. After a short while, I had a pretty cool maze. I ran inside my neighbors' house to tell the guests there (not only were the Ferch's there, but my little brother and several other teenagers were there as well). They all came out and did the maze, having a good time. Once everyone made it through, we proceeded to build snow men, dozens of them, all about the yard.

Then I switched to another dream.

I entered a large store (the roof must have been fifty feet high) with Kevin Chupp and Neil Silveus (a couple of friends of mine from Bethel College). I was accompanying them as they shopped for things to fill their new apartment with. Neil kept grabbing random items, such as wooden spoons, five gallon bowls, cookies, red plates, blue cups, and more. I took them to the cereal aisle to see what they had, but only found two kinds: Fruit Loops and Frosted Flakes. I didn't understand how such a large store could have such a small collection of cereal. However, when we turned the corner, I found much more cereal, with some kinds I can't even remember because they don't exist.

After the cereal spree, Neil decided that he wanted a green bowl from the top of one of the forty-foot tall shelves. I climbed the shelf for him, wondering if it was completely necessary, and retrieved the bowl. Then we headed to the part of the store where the ceiling was more normal and witnessed an old lady stealing watches. She would grab them from the display and put them in the inner pockets of her cloak.

Then I awoke.

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