Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dream #299 (December 28, 2010)

A dream. I hope to be more regular, but who knows if I will be?

I was in a large city with my friend Kevin Chupp. I was driving an old, beat up, 80s style brown car, with Kevin in the passenger seat, and we were touring the city to which we had never been. The first place we stopped at was a McDonald's.

We walked in and I saw Rick Hall there meeting with a bunch of white-haired men. He smiled and waved, then looked back to whomever was speaking at the meeting.

Kevin and I sat at a high table and ordered tacos from the waitress (the McDonald's had apparently turned into a high class Taco Bell). Then Alivia Sims (a girl who graduated from high school with my little brother, whom I barely know) walked in with her boyfriend Nathan and didn't bother saying hello, even though I waved at them.

Before we received our food, Kevin and I left. We hopped back into the junker and entered some very heavy traffic. We decided to leave the car in the middle of the road and walk to wherever we were going. It was a piece of junk anyway.

The lighting in the city was a strange twilight for the entire dream, but I only truly noticed it while walking in it. It was almost beautiful.

Then Kevin and I found a little subdivision that proudly held many rows of very leafy trees that blocked much of the city's light, making the whole place dark and mysterious. We walked around there for a while, not encountering even the faintest amount of life. We were a bit spooked, so we ran out of the subdivision.

Then we walked into a gas station that was nearby (though I don't know why, for we had abandoned our car) and again ran into Rick Hall, who was buying a candy bar and a bottle of water (interesting combo).

We left without making a purchase.

After walking on the sidewalk for a few minutes, my dad picked us up in a blue van (similar to the one he used to own), and we rode down the highway at a frightening speed (which is strange, for my dad is a conservative driver). We were going so fast that he was barely able to stop at a construction zone, where the exit we wanted to take was blocked by orange cones and fences.

Then I awoke.

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