Friday, December 17, 2010

Dream #294 (December 17, 2010)

Another dream has come.

In the beginning of the dream, I was attending the funeral of Frank Harris, a friend of mine from high school who passed away a couple months ago. It was, like the funeral in real life, very sad. I saw many people whom I had not seen for a long time, and they were all watching a slideshow of Frank's short life.

Though I was present at the funeral, I was standing outside the room where it was being held, looking in the window. I was alone for a while until Mrs. Carver (a woman I have not seen for years, and the mother of a classmate of mine) came and greeted me, giving me a hug. As she said some words about Frank, a middle aged man came through the front doors of the building carrying a baby in his hands. He burst into the funeral ceremony and announced that the child was the son of Frank and that it was a blessing, for his memory would live on through the child.

I saw the baby boy. It looked like a normal baby except for the fact that his thumbs were larger than mine (which is funny, because Frank had some big thumbs as well, a characteristic I had forgotten about him until this dream).

Then I was awakened by Neil Silveus, who had just returned that night from the Dominican Republic.

I fell asleep again and dreamt that I was in a back alley with Sinbad the Sailor from Popeye and we were pushing a trailer-house in which my mom was giving birth. We pushed it through many streets, running stoplights and disturbing traffic, but we managed to make it to the hospital in time.

I'm pretty sure my mother can no longer bear children, but there was a baby nonetheless. However, the nurses kept the baby in a fish tank, and its skin looked very yellow. As I studied it curiously, Jason Suter walked in dressed in the garbs of a doctor and told me everything was perfectly normal. Then my mother walked up next to me wearing a Christmas sweater, not looking as if she had just given birth. I was a little concerned for my parents for the upcoming responsibilities they had.

Then I awoke.

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